Chapter 35: Dreams

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The rehearsal dinner went by really quickly. Ben and Robin were there to support their friends and they gave their speeches as well. Karen and Paige had requested the journalists and interviews to not film anything because it was a private event that they wished to celebrate with their closest ones. Robin talked about how Paige was her light at the end of the tunnel, and for her to meet someone who made her so happy, it meant everything. Ben said that since he knew Karen from childhood, he was only honoured that he could be a part of her dream wedding that she had been planning since she was ten-years old.

The brides cut their first cake and gave the second pieces to their friends, thanking them for everything that they had done for them in such a short time. They wouldn't be together if it wasn't for the Honours. Robin's handmade bridal topping was appreciated by everyone, and so was Ben's gift.

Robin couldn't help but notice how good Ben looked in a suit. She had seen him wear them in movies but actually seeing him made her heart flutter. She scolded herself for feeling that way. They were friends, nothing more. She shouldn't be having such thoughts.

Ben loved the colour blue on Robin. It seemed to really bring out her deep eyes. The entire night, he was eagerly waiting to catch a moment with her. But he tried to control his feelings when he was around her. They were friends, and he couldn't cross that line.

Once night fell upon them and they were working in their room, Ben couldn't help but look at Robin. She was wearing her glasses and was keenly looking through her documents. He had an internal conflict with himself where he wanted to tell her how he felt but he had another plan ready. "Robin?" She looked up at him. "I need you to come with me."

Her eyebrows furrowed together. "This late? Is everything okay?"

"Time is running out, Hale. We need to go now." He pulled her out of the coach and removed her glasses for her. He placed it on the coffee and offered her his hand. She looked at it questioningly but put her hand in his.

He led her out into the corridor and down the stairs. "Where exactly are we going?"

"Ssh, you might wake everyone up."

"If we're going somewhere important, I should be dressed up for it, don't you think? There are great interviewers that are staying here." Both of them were in their pajamas and from how Ben sounded, it sounded pretty important to Robin.

He looked at her and couldn't hold back a smile. "You look perfect."

Robin didn't know exactly what he meant by that but she trusted him. He opened the front door of the farmhouse and walked into the night. She tip-toed to where he stood eagerly looking at the sky. "Ben?" She touched his arm.

He held onto her arms and asked her the only question that mattered. "Do you trust me?"

She was unsure of why he had that doubt but answered it anyway. "I do, but why? And what are we doing-" She stopped talking. Ben let her go and crossed his arms across his chest. He started to walk backwards to give her her own space. "You didn't."

"I most certainly did." A drop of water fell on Robin's nose and she knew what to expect. "You fulfill my wish, and I fulfill yours," he said. "And this time, you weren't able to figure it out."

More drops started to fall from the heavens and were making Robin fulfil her dream. It was raining heavily and Robin was getting drenched in it. The feeling was unmatched. She moved forward and hugged Ben. "Thank you so much."

He wrapped his hands around her and rested his cheek on the top of her head. "Some things are better done not alone, right?" He repeated her words from the time they spent in London. He didn't know what she was thinking but he had a plan that he was not going to let go of. He needed to do it as soon as possible.

He pulled back and bowed to her. He put his hand forward as he stood in the positing of a waltz. "Now?" She asked. "There's no music."

"We make our own music, Hale."

She frowned at that but thought about the opportunity in front of her. She could dance with one of the sweetest people on the entire planet. Was she going to let it go? "If we slip and fall, I'm blaming you."

He snickered. "As you should."

They didn't need music. It was like Ben had pointed out. The sound of the raindrops falling on the ground was more than enough. The two of them danced like they had never before, for they had found the partner that they were looking for. The last step ended and they stood close to each other for what felt like a million years, but thunder struck and broke them apart. They realised how close they had been standing only when they moved apart and let out the breath that they hadn't known that they were holding back.

"I don't know what to say." She said, getting a hold over her breathing.

"You don't have to say anything." He whispered. "Robin?"

She looked up at him. One look into them and she knew that she was gone. She no longer belonged to herself. Ben cupped her face, his heart racing a million miles an hour. He wasn't sure if he had always thought about it but from whatever his feelings were telling him when he was around her, he knew that they were more than friends. He moved closer to her very slowly. He was expecting a slap from her and was waiting for her to push him away. But his lips met hers and time seemed to stop just for them. The rain seemed to contribute to that by quieting down and letting the silence engulf the two of them.

Robin did not know what happened but at that moment, she was with Ben. Nothing else mattered. She couldn't believe that he felt the same way that she did. Without realising that she was doing so, she put her hands around his neck. She held onto him and did not want to let go. Her face heated up when he pulled back. That was when both of them realised that they had had their eyes closed. Both of them were waiting for the other to protest or pull back. They couldn't talk because there was nothing to say.

"We should head back." She said, breaking the silence, her thoughts muffled and disorganised.

"Yes, we should."

The entire way back, they didn't talk to each other. They didn't even look at the other. Once they entered the room, Ben handed her a towel in the room and dried his hair using another. The distance between them seemed too close yet too far.

Robin scolded herself. What was she thinking? She hadn't told him what she had been wanting to for the past few weeks, but the other thing had happened. Her face was heated and the kiss lingered in her mind. She was stuck in a dilemma. How was she going to face him?

Ben didn't know if he should have taken the step of kissing her. He shouldn't have done it with the wedding over them. They had been friends for so long and he couldn't believe that he had to break that relationship.

Well, what is a wedding without drama?

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