Chapter 40: The Word

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It was half past seven in the night when Robin woke Ben up. She didn't want to, because he looked so peaceful, and because of what her mother used to say about waking people up when they were tired, but he must have been hungry and she didn't have much food at home. He woke up with his hair drooping all over his face and it was for Robin not to laugh. Both of them got ready to go out, and walking down the streets, they started to exchange music recommendations. "Here." She handed him a headphone that was connected to the double sided plug that was connected to her phone.

"I can't believe that you have this! Though I'm not surprised. We are the retro gang after all. I would kill to have a Walkman again. My father used to have one and he told me that it is lost somewhere in the attic. I'll definitely find it one day."

Robin pulled the collar of her shirt as if to show that she was proud of herself. "Choose your song." And then, the two of them started to jam to their songs while walking to the restaurant. They even danced at one point as the rhythm got to them. They waltzed slightly and then tried to revise certain steps from a musical that they both loved.

Once they reached the restaurant, they took their seats and when the waitress came to take their order, Ben heard Robin speak in Punjabi. "Do paneer aur do lassi. Aur glasses jamnee me mat lekar aayega. Thodi edi kimat ghadao."

How do you know how to speak Punjabi?" He was thoroughly impressed.

"I actually took lessons in college but I also learnt from Mr. Ahuja who owns this place. He perfected my accent. I can speak five languages and Punjabi is one of them."

"That's brilliant! You should try auditioning. You would be a great actress."

Robin laughed, having considered that option in college. But after five days in the auditorium with the Drama majors, she knew it wasn't her cup of tea. Or cup of coffee, to be specific. "I'm flattered but acting is not really my thing. I acted in a few plays in schools, but that's it. Plus, it would be a disgrace to people like you, so I'm good."

There was a silence that filled their conversation after that. They had so much to talk about but no idea how they would start it. "So," he said. "What's the information about the movie?"

"Well, the auditions are open but the directors know whom I want to play Sophie. I remember having four different people in mind while writing the book. Well, I started it during my college days, so I definitely don't know who I would want to cast if it was up to me."

"Whom do you have in mind?"

"I....don't want to say." Robin said, taking a sip of the water from the glass before her immediately.

Ben laughed. "Why not?"

"Because it would be a total fangirl moment from my side."

He squinted his eyes at her. "I think we are way past fangirl moments from your side, aren't we?"

She gaped at him. "Don't quote me, Mr. Summers." She shook her head, having been defeated. "Fine." She opened her bag and pulled out a thick paperback novel, which she handed to him. "You'll find your answer inside."

Ben saw the title of the book and his jaw fell open. "This is....this is...."

"The sequel to Out of the Blue." She said, resting her elbow tip on the table and leaning forward in her chair. "I want you to have the preview edition. After all, you did inspire me to write Caleb Walker."

Ben opened the book and read the dedication. If that's what she meant by finding the answer inside, he thought. But one read gave him the answers that he needed. "Adelaide is your Sophie, isn't she?"

"Ding ding ding!" Robin smirked. "I knew you'd figure it out. It has been my dream to see the two of you act together in a movie or a series. You would make a great pair. And since I got to give my suggestions, she is my first choice."

Ben did not know how to tell her that he and Adelaide were going to be acting together. In fact, they had already acted together and they had become good friends. But he made a note to talk to Addy about Robin's movie. If he couldn't fulfill Robin's wish, then who would? "So the movie is definitely happening then."

Robin nodded. "They are finalising the scripts. I can get the call for the casting any moment." She smirked. "Which is another reason that I'm shifting back home. It will be much easier to watch the actors in the auditions rather than seeing the tapes. I have no clue how this works but I'm....super excited." She sighed, tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ears.

They gave their order and soon started to eat. Both of them steered clear of the topic that they knew they had to talk about. It was vital that they do that soon because the more they stalled, the more someone could get hurt.

Ben broke the cold ice in the air by starting it. "Robin?" She looked up at him while taking a sip of the milkshake from the swirly straw. "I think it's time we address the elephant in the room."

She took a deep breath in, leaning back on her seat and folding her arms across her chest. "Yeah, I think so too." She had thought about exactly what she wanted to say while she was packing. She put the books in the wrong cardboard boxes, but she knew how to handle the situation. "I want to press pause, Ben....on us."

It was Ben's turn to lean back in his chair. He was praying that those words wouldn't be what Robin would speak. They had been through so many moments together. She couldn't not want to give them a try. But he had to understand her side. She had been very frank when they met about the fact that she had no interest in relationships.

"I agree." He cleared his throat. "That seems like the best option here."

Disappointment surged through Robin. She had been hoping Ben would argue with her and say that he didn't want that. But if he was on the same page, she would respect his decision. "Yeah." She shook her head slightly. "Your show is coming out and so is my book. The movie is also going to come out and since you are playing Caleb....I don't want things to get complicated."

Ben wanted to tell her that it wouldn't get complicated because he was going to be with Robin for Saints' sake! It was Robin! How could he ever let her go? "Hey, we're only pressing pause, right? It's not like we have to stop seeing each other or stop being friends."

Robin nodded. "Exactly." She said. "So...."

He didn't know what to say. "So...."

Both of them sat there looking at each other, disappointed in themselves. They wanted to fight for the other but the two of them led magnetically opposite lives. He was an actor. His life would always be marked as the fame one. She was an aspiring writer who was making her way in the world. Both of them had their own traumas to deal with.

The only question was, were they ready to let the other be the one that they wanted to share it with?

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