Game Guide

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* this novel written in filipino

* picture on the media, is not mine. Credits to the real owner.

1. First of all the game consist of 7 Classes, Warrior, Archer, Spellcaster, Brawler, Assassin, Tanker and Support.

Each role have there own responsibility in every team fight.

* Their were special class that can obtain through series of quest.

* Their are special class also that you don't need to suffer a lot of chain quest to obtain.

2. Collecting special items is a good advantage, for every players.

3. Leveling up is one of the important to do, to increase your status point.

* Leveling with Party, is a good idea.

4. Equipment can boost your character status.

* Equip the gears where you comfortable to wear.

5. Potions is very important if your having shortage of Mana or Health Points.

6. Boss Type monster have special skills, which is there upper hand if you dont know it.

7. Killing other player will turn your name into red.

* It will vanished if you suicide or you have been put in the jail.

8. Dungeons have hidden room where treasure placed, find it!

9. Altars improved your stats randomly by 1, worship one of those.

* You need to offer jewels or preferably runic crystals to worship to the altar.

10. Skills is can obtain thru a milestone, buy it to the library or obtain by killing boss type monsters.

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