{chapter 12•Sleepover pt 2}

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{Y/n's Pov}

After all of that mess, we decided it'll best if we played another game. "Who wanna spin the wheel?" Dream said and Blue excitedly raised his hand and said "Me! Me!" Dream look at blue. "Alright, spin it!" dream said and move to let blue spin it

"This is boring.."Nightmare said and everyone other then ink and lust agreed, they then got up to leave. Ink and dream look a bit panicked and tried to make them stay. "....But..I want to play with you.." I said with clear sadness and disappointment. "...Ugh. I'll stay!" Fell said and sat at his spot. "Ah! Thank you fell!" I said smiling brightly and Fell flushed red. ' Hehe. I knew they'll come back'

The other sighed and also sat down. I giggled and smiled brightly. "Blue. It's okay! spin it!" Ink said and Stars appeared in his eyes and blue spin it. "OH! SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!" Blue said excited and Fell and Error turn completely pale. "Oh~ May I go first~" Lust said and look at fell and me? "No! We have to vote on who's first!" Dream said and we decided to do a spin the bottle. I spin it and it landed on blue and blue spin it. It landed on Error. "...n0. Not wiTh h-im" Error said and tried to refused.

In the end he gave up. "Great! now go" Ink said and push Error in "DONT TOUCH MEEEE" Error said and glared at Ink who put his hand up and smiled

after only a minute we heard Error screaming stuff like cursing and dont touch me. "...I hope blue's okay.." I said and sat down."..Hello" Horror said which startled me. I didn't even know he was next to me. "...Hi.." I said a bit confused.

2 minutes passed and Error knock on the door "LET ME OUT!!! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE! HE'S SO ANNOYING" Error said angrily. "...No..I'm not" Blue said and from then on they continued to fight.

Finally it was time for them to leave and Ink got up to open the door, Immediately Error walk out angrily and blue walk out a bit sad. "....Aw..Blue come here" I said and pat next to me and blue sit next to me looking a bit happier that I invited him to sit next to me.

"Alright! next round!" Dream said and spin the bottle. It landed on me. "(Y/n)! And..." Dream said and spin the bottle the second time. "...Lust..." Dream said and Lust happily stood up ready to go in the closest. "Don't do anything" Ink said warning him and Lust just shrug. " You-" Ink tried to stand up but was hold down. "Its fine! if he tried to touch me in that way, I'll scream." I said and went in.

"Look. Try and touch me and I will kill you." I said and he nodded "Eh even if i did touch you. I will die not cause of you. Tho~ it be quite a happy present if you let me do so~" He said

"Why are you like this?!" I said and shook my head "Cuz thats how my universe was made" Lust said. "...wait..universe? " I said confused as to why he said universe. "huh? they didnt tell you?" He said titling his head. "No? what?" I said even more confused. 'Tell me what?' I thought to myself.

"Hm..Nothing." He said and made me even more curious. '??? oh well.. I'll ask ink or Error' I look at my phone to see only 3 minutes left. " Uhm...sorry for what happened...when I first arrive.." Lust said and I sat confused.

Then I remembered. "...Oh! Pff-" I said realizing why he apologize. "You just apologize now?" I said laughing. Lust eyes widen and he covered his face in embarrassment. " I-I JUST-" Lust tried to explained but stutter.

The door then open suddenly and Dream appear. "7 minutes pass!" He said and was push lightly to the side and lust walked out purpled from embarrassment.
"Lust? why are you-" Ink got cut off by lust sitting down next to him and pout. I giggled at the sight and sat next to blue who is also confused.

after a 2 hours or so we decided to play another game and this time Classic wanted to spin the wheel. "It landed on would you rather" Classic said and sat back down. "Oh great! Who's first!" Dream said and blue raise his hand. "Sorry blue! but you started on the first one!" Dream said and blue put his hand down in disappointment.

"I'll start" Dream look to see it was dust who said it. "oh..uhm alright!" Dream said and Dust pick nightmare "Tell me why you protect her or let me destroy more aus" Dust said pointing to me "I pick the latter" Nightmare said. Dust look quite disappointed with the result but happy to destroy more aus "What an au?" I asked

"Oh right you dont know what is it! um... I'll explain later?" Ink said and I titled my head and nodded. "My turn. Fell would you rather kill your brother or yourself" Nightmare said "Don't say that!" I said and Fell decided to pick the second one.

"...Classic. would you rather drink mustard or ketchup" Fell said "That pretty obvious. obviously ketchup" Classic said and Fell had a look on his face that clearly said "Perfect" revenge? "Alright. My turn
(Y/n) pick..Kiss someone in this room or hug someone in this room" Classic said and I turn completely red "Uhm...the..latter.." I said "Who?" Classic said and I Immediately change the subject.

"BLUE! Would you rather cook tacos or cook spaghetti?!" I said quickly and Blue got startled a bit "HUH?? OH TACOS OF COURSE!" Blue said

"Can we play another game. this is boring" Horror said clearly sleepy. "hm...blue?" I asked and Blue nodded yes. "Alright. the only thing left is horror stories" Ink said and blue looked like he regretted it."I'll start." horror said excited.

"It all started with a little girl playing with her sister. They were playing hide and seek, the older one start first and ran off to count to 10 while the younger ran to hide. After the older one started counting, the younger one find a place to hide behind some trees and stones. she didnt ran off to far so she could still hear her sister's voice counting.
once her sister finish counting she cover her mouth and quietly giggle. She could hear her sisters footsteps coming closer and closer, until she saw her sister's shadow above her. Immediately she look up to see no one. confused,she ran all the way to where her sister once was and saw her standing absolutely still looking forward so her back was facing her and call for her but the sister didn't move a muscle so she got closer and tap her sister's shoulder.
the sister head turn 180° and the younger sister scream and tripped. She got up and ran all the way back home to see no one home. no one other then her sister. the younger sister scream. Her sister was sitting there dead. torn apart limb by limb and hang onto the wall" Horror finish his story and smile.

".....on second thought...lets not play horror stories?" I said and everyone agree other then nightmare,horror and dust.
" Oh look at the time its 2 am! time to sleep!" I said and one by one lay down on they sleeping bag and fall asleep slowly. I stood up and close the lights and lay down on mine just as I was about to sleep blue woke me up.

"....hm? blue?" I said exhausted "...can I sleep with you..?" Blue said scared and crying softly. "...aw..alright..c'mere" I said patted next to me and he lay down. "Its alright...did you have a nightmare?" I said and thought the actual nightmare and giggled "mhm.." blue hum and I smile and hug him. Soon we both fallen asleep

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