{Chapter 30•Captured...}

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  {Y/n's Pov}

      I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and slowly sat up rubbing the tiredness out of me and yawned. I look towards the window and saw that it was open.
"....that explains why I heard bird chirping.." I whispered to myself and stood up.

      I walked towards my closet and took my towel and closed it. I walked towards the bathroom while also checking my wrist and saw that the red have lower down and sighed. I opened the bathroom door and walked in. Slowly I undressed out of my clothes from yesterday which I didn't change and open the shower and put the temperature to warm.

     after 20 minutes or so I finished and covered myself with the towel, I opened my bathroom door and lock eyes with Blue  who seem to be looking around and saw me. "...ah..." I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks and I immediately closed the bathroom. I stood behind the bathroom door completely embrassed and covered my face. "I-IM SORRY!" I heard a faint but loud voice said and after that I heard a door slamming shut.

         I sighed and walked to the sink and look at the mirror to see a tomato. I sighed again and washed my face in hopes of calming down. After a few minutes I finally calm down and slowly walked out and look around and thankfully it was empty.

   I walked out sighing again and walked to my closet. I took out some outfits and changed. After I was done I hang the towel away somewhere and walked out to find blue standing in front looking like he was about to knock on the door and he looked shocked and I awkward smiled.

     "uhm..I..uh..hi..." I said as I struggle to come up with words and blue look flustered. "...I WANNA....SAY SORRY..FOR YESTERDAY" Blue said in his loud voice but slightly quieter. "oh! its okay! I know why you did that. I'm sorry for keeping it a secret.." I said and hugged him

      "Is the others awake?" I said in order to change the subject and he shook his head no. "Then..let's go cook. I'll let you help me" I said and smiled warmly and saw Blue nodded. 

   I hold his hand and pulled him along and walked downstairs towards the kitchen and walked to the sink "Wash your hands" I said and blue did as I told him too. I decided to cook some simple strawberry pancake with yogurt, Which I had some in the fridge and I need to used before it expires, I decided to search up the recipes for the batter.

     I took out the ingredients and brought them to the kitchen counter and place them down. "Blue could make the batter?" I asked him and passed him my phone which I had search up the recipes for the batter and Blue took it looking confused "...what is this? a ingredient?" Blue said and I remembered that he doesn't know what it is.

       "uh...It's a phone and no it's not a ingredient..I don't know how to explain it but It shows the recipe for the batter. Just follow the words and call me if you need help." I explained and walked to take out the pan. I washed it and clean it up and put it on the stove, I decided to wait until he finish and meanwhile I decided to make the drinks which is strawberry smoothie to go with the pancakes.

    I took out the ingredients and the blender. I put in all of the ingredients which is strawberries, milk, yogurt, sugar, vanilla and ice in the blender, I closed the top and blended it which scared Blue a bit.

     After it was smooth and creamy I took it out and put it in the cup and decorate it. I have some strawberries left so I chopped them up and place the on top and I repeated this until I had enough for everyone.

      "{Y/N}! IM DONE!" I heard Blue called out excitedly and look over to see Blue cover with flour and the batter was done. "..oh...dear..Blue? why don't you...go shower first?" I said and blue titled his head and I pointed to down and he look down to see he was covered. "...OH! UH OKAY! I WILL BE BACK" blue said and quietly rush out to the bathroom.

     I giggled and walked to the pan. I finally put some oil in it and open the fire as I was about to take the batter I heard Ink walk in the kitchen. "Oh ink! good morning!" I said happily but Ink doesn't...look happy?

      "Why are you cooking?...You are ill you should be resting!" Ink said clearly not happy about me cooking. "Huh?...but..I'm okay-" I said but was immediately cut off by Ink angry but concerns voice. "Just because you are okay doesn't mean you are. You could be in pain but doesn't feel it! I will continue go rest" Ink said

        "Ink..Please I-" I said but again was cut off. "Go rest." Ink said still clearly not happy "I..Ink! I'm okay please-" I whispered but Ink cut me off again with a look saying he won't repeat what he said.

       I felt myself wanting to cry but I held it in...I bit my bottom lip to prevent it and walked away quietly. I walked upstairs and bump into someone. I look up and found that I bump into Fell and Classic. '...They're up earlyI thought to myself and realized that the tears fallen a bit and quickly wipe them and ran into my temporary room.

      "...Why did I have to tell them...Why didn't he just treated me like before?.." I slightly felt the tears fall and wipe them in attempt to stop the tears from falling any further. "...Hic..This is why I didn't want to tell themI whispered and heard stones hitting the window..

      I slowly stood up and walked towards the window and look out to see no one. Immediately I felt that this have happened before "..no...Austin" I whispered in a panic and back up only to bump into someone. My eyes widen and I slowly look up to find no one other then him..Austin..He was looking down at me while smiling like a madman.. "Hi. Miss me?" Austin said and I opened my mouth to scream but immediately a cloth was placed over my mouth.

       "Ah no scream~ Don't want the others to find me after all!" Austin said and I tried to struggle only to feel more lightheaded. Slowly I felt more sleepy and felt my eyes closing but I tried to stay awake. "..hm.. quite  stubborn..Oh well! its what I like about you" Austin said and put his hand up and suddenly I was knocked out...

Im back and had the worst day ever so I decided to write to calm myself down. I wasn't going to do this right now but it was the perfect time so I had to. Anyway the reason why I'm writing this small a/n is just to thank you. I can't believe it reach 8k! THANK  YOU SO SO MUCH FOR READING. this truly made my day better :) Anyway I will end it here and I will upload again tomorrow. Luv you!





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