{Chapter 23•This is bad...}

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  {Y/n's Pov}

     'Where am I?....Its dark....it hurts...' I thought to myself, I opened my eyes to see that I was in a dark room.  'Where is this..'  I looked around to see a hall with a bright light at the end...

     I slowly walked toward the light and saw four people...My family....They were waiting for me...My mother put out her hand as a motion to hug me again..

      Started slowly I ran to her, As I was about to jump into her hands, Something grab me back, I turn to find skeletons hands holding me back, "...what.. .no..NO! MOTHER! FATHER! WAIT! LET ME GO!" I yelled desperately trying to escaped and hug back to them so we can be a happy family again..

    Slowly the hands pulled me back and I cried out to my family but they stood still, I cried out again and again, until my mother open her mouth to speak, "...I love you" She said and waved at me.

     "{Y/N}!! WAKE UP! PLEASE!" I heard someone faintly said, They were crying..What happened? I slowly opened my eyes and look around, I was in my room..I continued to look around until I met eyes with Blue "...blue..?" I whispered and Blue realized that I was awaked,

     I was confused, What happened?....I was very hungry,tired and from the looks of it..quite dirty. Blue said something but I couldn't really hear him and He ran out in a rush. I tried to sit up and felt sharp pain on my side, I hiss at the pain and look to see bandages..

      Suddenly everything came back. Austin did this...I...trusted him..I grab my head and sat up, Blue then came in with the others. "{Y/N}! ARE YOU OKAY?" Ink said and rush towards me, Error teleported next to me and looked relief and worried. "...I'm fine.." I said and I look at them all

     "...How long was I out for?" I asked and some avoided answering that, Ink sighed and open his mouth to answer. "...3 weeks, You lost so much blood" Ink said and look at me.

        "....I bet you're hungry, We'll bring you food soon, Rest first. You still need to heal, The stab wound was deep" Ink said and I nodded,

     Ink stood up and left with the others, Error stay for a little while and he too left and I was again alone, At least it's not dark, I felt myself beginning to couch a bit and without looking I knew that it was blood, I sighed and layer back down, I'm bored..

     I looked at my wrist and my eyes widen, I sat up quickly and stared at it in disbelieved,  The water in the bottle was halfway through, It used to be barely halfway, that means my life span went lower..no...it can't be

     Quickly I grab an pen and another note in the drawer next to the bed and started counting, Last time I check it was 79..If 3 weeks had pass then it musted of been 58, But because I got stab the life span went lower?...Then how long do I have left? I have to assume that it will be 49,

        '..what do I do?...I..' I thought to myself and felt the needs to let it all out but I couldn't do that, I don't want them to worry about me...

       I heard the door slightly creek open and Reaper walked in, "...Reaper.." I whispered and looked at him, "...Why is your health lower?...What did you do?" Reaper questioned and I silently shook my head, "...I don't know..." I whispered and Reaper just stared at me..

    "...What can I do?" I said and look at him, "..I have 49 days left.." I said and tried to get out of bed but Reaper teleported infront of me and push me back down lightly, "Don't stand up, That will only make your wound worst" He said and I sighed again, I obeyed him and lay down again.

      "...What would you do?" I randomly asked and He thought about it, "Accepted it. I know about your illness, I never expected it to still exist but I know the cure won't work, It never has" Reaper said and look at me, "...I have to accept it too..." I said and at the stared at the ceiling, Reaper got up and was about to leave but I stopped him,

     "..Thanks for chatting with me" I said and he smiled and left, Leaving me with my thoughts, I look out the window and saw a note on the window, Curious, I slowly got up and walked to the window ignoring the slight pain, I looked at the note and grab it,

    My eyes widen and I was terrified, I dropped the note and looked around, The note, Austin wrote that, He can see me and he'll be back to kill me and torture me..

     I slowly ran out of my room and slam the
door open scaring whoever was outside, "{Y/n}?! What?! what happened?!" Ink said and accidentally dropping the food, "..Ink.." I whispered and hugged him, "H-Huh?! W-What?!" Ink said as his cheeks turned rainbow.

        "Austin is watching me" I said and Ink looked at me seriously before grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs, "...ow..the wound.." I said and Ink realizes that he was pulling me too hard and walked more slower,

        Once we reach downstairs, Ink push me down to the couch lightly and ran to the others, as soon as Ink told them something they had a worried expression and also angry ones, Blue came running at me and tackled me, "Ow! The wound! ow!" I said and Blue stood up immediately and apologize over and over again,

    "Its..fine" I said and look at the bandage to see it was bloody, "..The wound is reopen" I said and Error walked to me, "..LëT mĒ Fï-íx Īt" Error said with concern in his tone,

        As Error open the bandage and fix it, Dream walk to me with the others and opened his mouth to speak, "Because Austin is out and will come back anytime he wants, What if one of us guard her and never leave her side?"  Dream suggested

     "...that's a good idea, actually!" Ink said and The others agreed. "So everyone have a turn guarding her?" Nightmare asked and Dream nodded "Who's first?" Fell said and everyone just looked at each other.

     "I will go first!" Blue said and the other disagreed "..no, Your too weak. I will" Dust said and push blue, "No, I will. I want to kill that human for going after another's prey" Horror said and grip on his axe tightly, This would then go on for a while,

    Error finally finish with the wound and bandaged it with new ones, I said a quick thank you and hugged him quickly which left him frozen, and walked to the others

      "Alright! How about this? We take turns following who arrived first!" I said and they look at each other as a way to communicate and finally agreed, "Okay! then first Ink and Error! Ink can do today, Error can guard me tommorrow?" I said and they sighed and agreed,

    Error wanted to refuse but he just go with it, "Uhm.....will you be okay staying up all night? I'm worried"  I asked Ink and he nodded happily, I smiled and walked upstairs to Ink room, "Oh? Why are we going to my room?" Ink said and I told him that I didn't trust my room and he understood,

      We arrive at the art room and I suddenly realized that he only have one bed, "Oh! uh...I..sleep on the floor!" Ink said blushing rainbow,

      "What! no! sleep on the bed!"  I said and he turn more rainbow, "W-what..no! no!" Ink shook his head and tried to lay down but I pulled him careful as to not hurt myself and push him on the bed, He did a quick yelp and lay down completely dumb-founded.

      I giggled quietly and lay down on the bed next to him, "...Sorry about that.." I whispered and he nodded still zone out. "...Thank you.." I said and stared at the ceiling. "Without any of you..It would of been boring in the mansion alone.." I said and Ink look at me, "..what happened?" Ink said clearly asking about my parents,

   "...They passed away...They were killed" I said and look at him too, "..ah..I'm sorry for asking" Ink said and I smiled before saying that it was fine..I closed my eyes and felt myself falling asleep. "Good night.." Ink whispered.



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