{Chapter 9•Going to the clinic again}

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   {Y/n's Pov}

   I woke up feeling like a zombie and got up to the bathroom, I went inside lock the door and brush my teeths, after that I went into the shower. Once I was done showering, I change into a comfy sweater with shorts as well as tight high socks.

   I put my hair into {H/S}, I was about to walk out of the bathroom when I startes coughing. I'm used to this...I sighed and wash my hands before going out. I went downstairs to see Ink trying to prevent Blue from cooking. "Morning?" I said but it sounded more like a question. "MORNING!" Blue said "Morning {Y/n}!" Ink turn and face me. "I thinking of cooking something you would like!" I said and walk to the kitchen with them.

        "I WILL HELP YOU!" Blue said. I smiled but saw Ink sweat drop...? "Err...sure!" I said a little confuse as to why Ink look nervous. Blue immediately have stars in his eyes. I tried to not hug him but...the urge was too strong. I hugged him and I could see in the corner of my eyes that he was turning blue.

     {BlueBerry's Pov}

  I was trying to cooking but Ink was trying to prevent me to cook. I was about to ask him why until {Y/n} came down. "Morning?" I heard {Y/n} asked. "MORNING!" I said and Ink turn to face her. "Morning {Y/n}!" Ink said. "I was thinking of cooking something you would like!" She said and walk into the kitchen. Me and Ink followed her "I WILL HELP!" I said excitedly. "Er...sure!" She said a bit confused. All of a sudden she hugged me. I felt my face turn blue from blushing and I could feel Ink glaring at me? I looked at him and he smiled at me. What was that?...She let go of me and ask what we would like for breakfast. "TACOS!" I said and Ink wanted toast and eggs. She smiled and said okay. Ink also decided to help. I grab the tacos shell and put glitter and glue in it. "Ah! No blue! Don't put that in!" {Y/n} said and took the glitter and glue away. "Why not..?..Are you not supposed to put it?.." I said. "No..put these instead!" She said and gave me beef,cheese and onions. "Cut them into little pieces like this! Okay?" She said and I nodded. "Ink! You need help?" She said and went to ink. I started cutting the onions like she asked me to.

   {Y/n's Pov}

   We finish cooking and Ink was placing the food on the table, while I grab drinks. Blue when to wake the others up. Dream was the first to come down. "Morning dream!" I said while placing the drinks down.
  "Morning~°○" Dream said clearly tired and sat down immediately placing his heas on the table. I giggled and sat down as well. Soon one by one came down and started eating.

     After we ate. I went to chat with the others and saw nightmare sitting alone, so I went to him. "Hey!" I said and sat next to him and he went further away each time I went closer, soon he hit the wall. "Hey. Why are you avoiding me?" I said titling my head and put my face close to his and his face start turning blue a bit. "Go away.." he said. "No. Don't want to." I said and grin happily "Tell me about yourself!" I said smiling from ear to ear. "No. Now go away." He said and turn away.

     I huff but kept asking. "FINE!! I WAS HATED! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? NOW GO AWAY!" He said and I Immediately regretted my actions. I kept quiet and hugged him. After I let go, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "...I'm sorry for asking that..." I said and smiled sadly. He tched and walk away. I got up and grab my bag and my keys. I walk towards Ink and told him I was going out. I got out and lock the door before going into the car.

      After a few minutes I arrive at the clinic and go inside. "Hello! Its me again." I said to the nurse. She look up and smile before calling the doctor. I sat down and look through my phone and the doc came and told me to follow him. I followed him and sat down. "What's wrong?" He said in a worried tone. "I feel likes its getting worse...I'm not sure.." i explained and he nodded, he did the usual check up and went out. 2 minutes past and  he came back. "...what?...how?..3 months?.." I heard the doctorr said behind the door. He opened the door and ask me if I did something that wasn't healthy or good for my health. I said no and he start looking confuse yet worried. "Doc..what's wrong?.." I said corcern. "You life-span was shortened....to 3 months.." my eyes grew widen. 'Is it because of the shield...?...' i thought to myself and smiled sadly before going out. I bought some medicine and payed before leaving.

       I arrive home and took a deep breaths before pretending that I was alright...I opened the door and walked in smiling. "WELCOME BACK!" Blue said and I wave hello. "Whalecome back" Classic said. I blinked a few times before realizing the pun. I laughed and went to chat with Classic. "Uhm...{Y/n}?" Dream said and i replied with a hum.

     "Can we speak privately?" He said and I nodded. He went upstairs and i followed him into his room. "What's wrong?...I can feel negative enegry from you..." he asked and I froze.  '..I..can tell at least...one person..right?' I thought to myself and sighed. "Er...l-look..I..have something to tell you..promise not to tell?..." I asked and he look corcern but nodded. "I don't have much time...I'm sorry.." I said and he looked confused.

    "I'm ill....In 3 months...I won't be here.." I said.  "What..what do you mean...where're you going? Will you be back?.." he said and I smiled sadly. "....No...I can't come back...I'll die..in 3 months..." I said and tears started to fall. "...I see...so that's why you been coughing?" Nightmare said and I turn to see him in the shadows. "Ah..y-yes.." I said and he walked out. "...." I turn to see dream crying. "Look..I'm sorry..there's nothing you or I can do..." I said and hold his head. I turn and walk out. I was about to go inside my room when Error came around the corner. "I HéĀŕđ..." he said and I smiled at him sadly. I mouthed sorry and went inside. I spent the whole day inside my room.


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