{Chapter 27•Toriel and Flowey}

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   {Y/n's Pov}

        'its soft...' I thought to myself and slowly opened my eyes...where?..

        'where am I?...this isn't my house... neither is it any of the rooms'.I thought to myself In a panic..Scared, I looked around and realized that I was in a cave..Huh? I look down and noticed that I was crushing a beautiful golden flowerbed,

       I quickly stood up and immediately get off the flowerbed, "..ah.." I slowly walked to the flowerbed again and crouch down and touch the flowers..

           "..you aren't frisk...neither are you chara.." I heard a high pitched voiced said behind me and I quickly turn around to find an flower with a face...I immediately back away from the smiling flower.

        ".....Howdy! I'm Flowey the Flower!" The flower named Flowey said and immediately went inside the ground, Only to reappear infront of me

            "hmm...Your new to the underground, Aren'tcha?" Flowey questioned me and inspect me closely  "...Golly! You must be confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!" Flowey said and went back to the ground and reappear at the flowerbed "I guess little old me will have to do! ready? Here we go!" Flowey said 'ready? ready for what?' I thought to myself

           Suddenly I felt something being pulled out of me..It was a heart colored {F/C} and it was fading and broken "See that? That is....not what it should looks like..." Flowey said and went into the ground again and appear infront of it. " That is your soul. Its not supposed to be this broken..neither is it supposed to be fading though" Flowey said looking at it

        "You're a strange one!" Flowey said and looks at me with a crazy look. "It seems you'll have to die!" Flowey said and My eyes widen.

      "In here. How things work is kill or be killed!" Flowey said and little white petals came and attack the heart. I tried to scream but my mouth won't open, Why does it hurts?... suddenly more petals came and surrounded the heart and slowly came closing in.

          Flowey started laughing crazily and as it was so close to hitting the little heart an fireball hit Flowey sending him away with a small yelp

         "What a terrible creature. Torturing such a poor, innocent child.." A female voice said behind me and I Immediately turn around still scared and cautious. "Ah. Do not be afraid, my child..I am Toriel. Caretaker of the ruins..I pass through this place to see if anyone had fallen down.." Toriel said and walked to toward me.

           "You are the first human to ever come down in awhile.." Toriel said and hold my hands, I was very confused..Am I dreaming? How about the others?..

     "Come, I will guide you through the catacombs" Toriel said and let go of my hands and walked away slowly. I quickly follow her

       we soon reach a entrance and I noticed a star in the middle of the two stairs and I walked and touch it.


       huh? Checkpoint..what? I noticed Toriel was walking away and quickly followed her and walked in. "Welcome to your new home, Innocent one. Allow me to educate you in the operation of the ruins" Toriel said and walked on the small puzzled plates and walk to the level and pulled it down opening the door.

         "The ruins are full of puzzles... ancient fusion between deversions and doorkeys. One must solve them to move from room to room, Please adjust yourself from the sight of them" Toriel said and we continued on going from another room to another one.

           puzzle to puzzle to puzzle until we reach her home "We arrived, innocent one" Toriel said and I look up to see a purple house. "..Hm..You're not much of a talker are you my child?" Toriel said and I tried to speak but my mouth won't open and let me talk. I felt myself unconsciously nodded.

    She then walked and I followed her in, I walked through and find her standing in the middle and behind her was some stairs?

         "Do you smell that?... Surprise! It is a Butterscotch-cinnamon pie. I thought we might celebrate your arrival!" toriel said smiling happily. "I want you to have a great time living here..so I will hold off on a snail pie for tonight" Toriel said

     "..here I have another surprise for you."
toriel them began to walk toward a small hallway and I soon followed her

         "This is it.." Toriel exclaimed and walk I front of a room's door "A room of your own..I hope you like it" Toriel said and sniffed the air in confusion. "...Is Something burning?...um..make yourself at home!" She said and quickly walk away in a hurry.

       I felt myself unconsciously opened the door and walked in. I look around and it was surprisingly welcoming..Below the bed was a small toy box and next to the bed by the wall was three cute plushies.

         there was a small shelf and next to it was a closet. A giant carpet on the floor  and a table with a lamp on it by the corner...It was nice and welcoming. I felt myself walked to the small table with the lamp and closed it and walked to the bed. I felt myself jump on the bed and slowly fall asleep.


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