{Chapter 4•Two more friends!}

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{Y/n's Pov}

"I WILL COOK TODAY! SO YOU AND INK CAN SIT DOWN!" I sat up in surprise and looked at the time. 'Sunday 9:00am.' I sighed and got up to change my clothes into a {F/C} swear with {S/F/C} stripes and some jeans before going downstairs " INK! CAN YOU WAKE THE HUMAN UP" Blue said " No need. I'm already awake..." I said and sat next to Error who went further from me. "OKAY! SO-" I put my hand put and cut him off " Blue? could you not yell in the morning?" I said in the nicest way possible, "OH! Sorry..." Great, now I feel bad...

"Never mind. Forget what I said" I smiled and walk to blue and pet him. 'Oh? he's blue?....' out of curiosity I turn he's head to face me and he's face got bluer? "please stop...." ? oh..he's blushing. how cute. my thoughts got interrupt by two loud thuds "I'LL GO CHECK!" blue said rather quickly and left. I giggle at he's cuteness. "hmm. it seems while blue when to check...Error can you help me cook please?" I asked and he just huff. I'm guessing that's a yes. "I'm gonna go check on blue" Ink said and left the living room.

'Error been really quiet...I wonder why..' I thought as I got out some bacons and eggs while Error heat up the pan. "Error? is everything okay? you been quiet the hole time." I ask and look at him "!m FiN3" I 'm still worried but I shrugged it off not wanting to push him.


What am I doing. Why do I care for her. I glance at {Y/N} to see her smiling and I blushed but calm it down quickly. I'm not suppose to feel this way for this glitch...something about her just made me fall for her. I shook those thought away and put the bacons on the pan with some eggs.

"HUMAN! IM BACK WITH SOM FRIENDS. THEY JUST ARRIVE!" I sigh at how loud blue is. "oh? who are they?" {Y/N} ask and I turn to see classic with red. "Gr3aT. Y0u-u GłiTchs" I said and turn around to put the bacons and eggs on the plate . "Heh. So who're you." Red said "Oh! My name's {Y/N}! what's yours" {Y/N}said and Ink then came back "Wh3re W-wer3 Yo0U" I turn to face ink. " I went to the bathroom.." Ink said and walk to blue and chatted with him

"I'm Sans. But call me classic. Ice to meat you." classic said and {Y/N} giggled which blue just turn red from anger. " well your a punny one. What's your name?" {Y/N} turn to red who was staring at me. "...what? oh. Mine Fell. Nice to meet ya." red said and pull he's hand out for a handshake. I saw {Y/N} about to hold his hand. "If I w-Was Y0u-u I W0øuldN'T dO tHat" I said to red and he pull his hand away which confused {Y/N}. "Tch.." red then turn and sat down at the couch.

{Y/n's Pov}

What?..uh. okay? "Uh...Ink? Could you show them the guest rooms and could you also show them around a bit?" I said and he said sure before going upstairs to show them their rooms. "Ah! Error did you finish cooking?" Error nodded and walk away assuming to the kitchen to eat. I walk to blue and we chatted as we went to the kitchen to eat as well

After a minute classic,red and ink came down. "Oh. Your back. Go to the kitchen me, blue and error are done eating already. Once your done with the plates please wash them" I ask and got up to the bathroom to shower. As soon and I got to the stair I started coughing. "Ugh...this needs to end.." I whispere and got up to shower. Not knowing that Error saw this and was a little concern.

After I was done showering, i pick out a {F/C} bunny hoodie that has long bunny ears on the hood to go along with that I decided to wear shorts and tie my hair into a ponytail. I got out of the shower and went into my room. I closed the door and locked it. I put my towel onto the clother hanger and lay on my bed. 'Huh...I have to go the hospital to see the results in a few days..' I soon fallen asleep.

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