{Chapter 35•Count Down}

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{Third Pov}

     The day was started as {Y/n} eyes began fluttering open and she yawns as she sat up from her bed, with the recent events she wasn't able to have a good rest and instead she wasn't able to sleep until it was late at night,

       She sighs and stood up only to felt dizzy and a little lightheaded, Again she sighs and walked away to the bathroom.

    She opened the door and walked in, She closed the door and locked it. She stretch and walk to the sink and look at the mirror. Her {H/L} {H/C} hair was  messy and she looked tired. "..gosh. I look like a mess.." She whispered and  quickly washed her face.

     She felt the need to cough and quickly brought her hands to her mouth and coughed, Yet again she sighs for the third time and wash off the red liquid off her lips and hands.

          Once she saw the blood had all been washed away, she began to strip and walk into the shower.

         after 20 minutes or so she finished and walk to the towel and began wrapping the towel around her body and walked out of the bathroom.

       she walk to her closet and picked out her clothes and wore it, She decided to put her hair in a {H/S}, She stood up and grabbed a book and walked to a desk, '.. considering that I don't have much time..I should perhaps write a dairy of what I did on my last days..'  She thought to herself and took a pen.

    She wrote her last withering days and put the pen down. "I should go spent the day first before writing" She whispered and stood up. She hid the book and pen inside a drawer.

     she walked to the door and think about what to do... Nothing came in mind. She walked downstairs to find others had awoken already and perhaps she was the last one to wake up.

       "Good morning" She said cheerfully and others replied by repeating her words. She walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of hot coffee before going to the others at the couch. "What're you guys watching?" She said with curiosity in her voice and put her glass of coffee down on the small table next to the couch. "WE'RE WATCHING MOVIE CALLED {F/M}!" Blue answered.

            "Oh that's my favorite! I'm gonna watch with you" She said and sat down next to Blue, "Did you just started watching?" She asked and Ink shook his head no.

         "We just started actually, You came at the perfect time!" Dream said and she smiles. "That's great! I don't want to missed out my favorite movie" She said and grab her glass of coffee and drinks it while watching the movie.

        a few hours had past and the movie ends, They had a lot of fun watching the movie, especially {Y/n}. It's her favorite movie, but it's even more fun watching with others, She smiled and watch the end credits rolled up. She glanced at the others to find them looking sleepy. well..only Classic and Fell really but others was looking sort of tired,

           "hm...its morning, Why are you guys so sleepy?..Oh! How about a horror movie? That is for sure will make you awake" She suggested and some agreed but some hated the idea...In the end they decided to watch a horror movie..They decided to go with {H/M} and {Y/n} started the movie and blue already looked terrified, {Y/n} giggles and Blue clungs onto her,

          right as the movie started there was already a jumpscare and it caught everyone off guard.

       Everyone yelled and blue cling onto {Y/n} even more, Unknowingly to her, Others hated that Blue was so closed to her but they didn't say a word about it.

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