{Chapter 6•Guests and bad news}

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{Y/n's Pov}

I woke up on the couch and look around to see blue,ink,red and classic sleeping next to me and error is nowhere to be found. I yawned and got up to the bathroom. After a while I got out and went to my room to change.

I went downstairs to find blue and ink awake. "Oh. Good morning." I said and went to them. "Morning~" Blue said as he yawned and ink just wave. "You guys go ahead and shower or something while I go make food." I said and walk into the kitchen. I crack open some eggs and cook some bacons. While I was cooking bacons Error came in.

" Oh. Morning Error!" I said and turn to face him. Error went to the fridge and grab some water to drink, Error then walk out. "Huh..not even a hello..." I whispered and continue cooking. After that I place them on the table along with water, and of course, ketchup and mustard of classic and red. 'I wonder why he want me to call him classic...' I thought to myself and wake everyone up. "Wake up. It's time to eat." I said and they woke up. Soon eveyone went and eat.

Once we all done eating, I went to my room and played some games for a few hours. I got bored and went downstairs. "HęY. WhāT wEŕe u inG" I turn to the right and saw Error looking at me. "Hm? Oh i was playing some games." I said and walk to him "Where's the others at?" I ask.

"DøŅ't KņŐw. DÓñ čÅŕe" Error said and walked away. I sighed and went looking for them. I went upstairs and see two of them chatting. 'Oh. There's they are' I went to them to say hi but stopped. 'Oh..wait....they are not any of the guys..who??...'
I thought to myself and hid on the corner. Uh...I quietly sneaked away and went back to Error.
"Uh Error..we have some new guests."
I said and asked him to follow.

Once we reach there I peak around the corner to see one of the skeleton looking at me. I ran and hid behind Error who just look at me with confusion. Both of them came around the corner. "...eW..." Error said and protect me....?..what? "Ouch. What do you mean ew??" I heard the purple one said "YoÙ Aŕe DısĞťĪng" Error said. The one he said disgusting to made a playful hurt face and then he look straight at me. "Hmm~ oh hello~♡" he said to me in a lustful way...ew..."Stop it!" The golden one said and hit him.

"Uh...who are you?" I asked "Oh! My name is dream! And this perv...is lust" dream said and i intruduce myself. After that we explain everything and how they can't use magic to get out. "hmm...I see..who else is here?" Dream ask "there's blue,ink,red and classic" I said. Immediately he asked where blue and ink was. "I'm not sure where they are at the moment...but we can go find them?" I said and he nodded. I turn around to see Error glaring at lust

We all went downstairs and I went looking for everyone. Once I found them, I lead them to where dream at. "INK,BLUE!" I turn to see dream running and hugging them. "DREAM?!" They both said in shock. The three of them had a reunion. After that they finally notice lust and immediately cover me. "Relax! I can't do anything anyway! Or else Error would kill me" lust said whispered the last part and everyone move away from me.

"Uhm..so...Classic! Could you show them where they would stay?" I asked and at first he hasitate but do it anyway. "This is for ya own good. Stay away from that freak" Fell said to me. I title my head and nodded. Then I got a phone call. I look to see it was the docter. He said that the result is out and I could check on it whenever. His voice sound like he had some bad news. I told everyone I will be going out..I went and change my clothes and tie my hair into {H/S} <hair style> and grab my keys. I got into the car and drove to the clinic.

Once I arrive I grab my bag and walked in
"{Y/n}? Please go to room 5" the nurse said and I nodded. I went inside and saw the docter. "{L/n} I have some bad news..." He said and I immediately grew corcern. "I'm sorry...but you have less then 9 months to live....I'm sorry" He said sadly. my eye widen at the news and I felt tears slowly starting to fall.I couldn't stop crying but after a few hours of crying I finally stopped and said goodbye in a shakey tone. I drove home and unlock the door

The moment I walked in I look down because I dont want to show them my red puffy eyes....I could see Fell looking at me with worry in his eyes. I spend the whole day in my room thinking and thinking...I decided not to tell them because I don't want them to worry about me. I took some pills and drank water before going to bed.

{Fell's Pov}

"GET AWAY!! YA FREAK" I was running away from lust when {Y/n} came back. I kicked lust and look at her. Her head was looking down and her hair covered her face. Though I saw her face only for a moment. It looked like she cried. I grew corcern and was about to talk to her but she went to her room upstairs.

"...? Hey..did ya see that? What wrong with her?" I said with worry and walk to where the others at. They all said yes. "Look like she cried?" Ink said with confusion in his tone. We all though it was probably nothing but we all was worry for her...I walk upstairs and went into my room. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes slowly falling asleep.

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