{Chapter 29•Not a secret anymore is it?}

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   {Y/n's Pov}

          "....{Y/n}?" A faint voice belonged to Ink said as I slowly opened my eyes to the bright sun light.

          "...hm..Ink?" I whispered and sat up slowly "{Y/n}! Are you okay?" Ink said next to me and I nodded slightly. "What happened?" Ink questioned and I shook my head, "...I..don't know" I answered and Ink titled his head but shrugged it off.

         "...how long was I asleep for?" I whispered while hoping that It wasn't long at all.."..You passed out for a day, We were really worried. Red was thinking that it's his fault to which I ensure him that it wasn't" Ink said and stood up. He said something and left

         '...was that a dream?...but it felt so real...do they know anything?...should I ask them....but what if they think I'm crazy?..no they wouldn't do that'  I thought to myself and finally realized that Ink was gone. "...Ink?" I called out to him but realized that he said something before leaving...I didn't really heard him though.

      I look around and noticed that I was in Inks room. Probably why it was blinding..I mean the walls, ceiling and the floor is white after all. The floor is being painted brown and decorate to looks like wood but not done yet.

       I heard the door creak open slightly and look over to find Red standing there worried. "Oh red. What do you need?" I said and Red walked over to me. "..I'm sorry.." He whispered and I titled my head in confusion. I then realized that Ink did said that Red blames himself.

      "...its not your fault..I'm just..not as healthy as others human beings..." I said and Red looked confused. "...no its mine fault! I made you walk when you were clearly hurt!" Red said and again I disagreed yet he just won't stop thinking it's his fault..

     I sighed quietly and grab his hand and forcefully pull him to the bed. He looked at me confused, "...listen. It seems I have to tell you this too. I really want to keep it a secret but I don't want you to think it's your fault everytime" I said and Red still looks as confused as ever. I smiled and look at the half painted galaxy ceiling. Which I never noticed and it was beautiful
       "...Listen I..don't have much time...I'm not healthy at all actually..I am going to die soon, I assumed 46 days..which includes today..I used to have alot more but then HE came and stab me resulting in this much days" I said and Red looked at me with mix of emotions, shock,sad and confused

      I opened my mouth to speak but a sudden sound of a cup dropping made me closed it.."...i-is that...true?" a small voice said and my eyes widen, "...blue.." I whispered and turn around realizing that blue wasn't the only one there. It was everyone. "...ah...no.." I was in lost of words, what do I say?..

       "is...this..true? please tell me.." Blue said in a shaky voice and I flinched. I sighed and slowly nodded my head while avoiding eye contact with all of them. "..darling..you have to be joking...its not very funny" Lust said and I still avoided eye contact..'so great at keeping secrets {Y/n}! Wonderful job!' I thought to myself and look up slightly.

      Realizing that I shouldn't have done that because seeing them cry wasn't what I like...Blue suddenly slam the door open and ran, I stood up wanting to run after him but maybe...leaving him is the best choice..

     Ink walked in front of me and look at me. "did you keep it a secret to everyone?" Ink asked and I hesitantly shook my head no,       "..who knows?" Ink questioned

         "...we knows." I heard Classic said and turn to look at him, he was standing with Dream, Nightmare,Error,reaper...

      "dream? you..knows?" Ink said and Dream avoided looking at him. "why.. her life..." Ink was immediately cut off by me. "I didn't  want them to tell anyone." I said and Ink look sad. "..I'm sorry.." I whispered and hugged him tightly and let go.

      the moment I let go I realized that he was crying while also trying to hold it in. "...I know you exact illness.." Reaper said and I turn to look at him. "huh? then...the cure?" I whispered with hopes and Reaper shook his head. "...it doesn't exist huh.." I said sadly.

         "..its fine..we can have a great time withen my last remaining days.." I whispered sadly and some nodded. I smiled and look at them. 'oh..today's turn was blue wasn't it?...I'll..just rest In a empty room because he want to be left alone..' I thought to myself and walked out to the guest room nearest to nightmare so that at least someone can save me..

    I opened the door and look around. It sure is empty..I sighed and lay down on the bed. I closed my eyes and slowly starting to fall asleep..

Hello! Just wanted to say! We are so close to the end and I want to say Thank you so so so much! for voting, commenting and viewing my story! Í'll won't update much because of homeworks and online school though, anyway! thank you to whoever is reading this! Love u! ^^


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