{Chapter 13•Grim Reaper}

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{Y/N Pov's}
      I woke up and sat up to look around to see everyone is still asleep and noticed that Dust and Horror is gone. "hm? where is Horror and dust?" I whispered and tried to get up but remembered that blue slept next to me.
        I look down to see blue peacefully asleep. I smiled and move him lightly to the side so that I can get up. I stretched and went to the bathroom to wash up. Once I was done I change my clothes and go downstairs to cook some food for the others.

       "Good mornin'" Horror said startling me. "AH!....good..morning" I said and Horror just stare at me "uhm...Why are you awake so early?" I asked and horror shrug " I dont know" He said and walk to the couch to sit. "...okay..Where dust?" I said and went to the kitchen to cook. "He said he want to look around" Horror said and tried to open the Tv "How do you use this thing?" Horror said

     "The TV? Click the button at the on button" I said from the kitchen "On button?" Horror said confused. I sighed and went to him and point to the button "This is the on button. Click it and it start the TV" I said and horror clicked it "What do you want to watch?" I asked and immediately  he horror type of shows 

"Oh..alright" I smiled and search for every type of horror show or movies. "Once the movie is over you click this button and it take you back to the search menu and pick anything you think is interesing to watch"
I said and went back to kitchen.

      "Before I forget, what do you want to eat?" I said and Horror replied with spaghetti and grab the ingredients I may needed and start cooking.

       after a while I was done cooking and place the food on the table. Horror immediately got up to eat. I went to get drinks and put them on the table. I noticed that Dust is still not here so I went upstairs to see if i can find him. "meanwhile im here...might as well wake the others up" I said and went blues room.

        I knocked light three time and walked in. "Wake up! Foods done" I said loudly and of course fell and classic went out first. "Go eat first. im looking for dust" I said and went looking for him. I spent a few minutes just looking for him and finally found him.

     "hm...when did you came here.." I heard Dust said 'Is someone there? who's he talking to...' I thought to myself and peek around the corner to see Dust cornering somebody.  I could see a skeleton "another one?" I whispered quietly and it seems that the new skeleton heard and came my way.

     "Hm?..hello"  He said and I stood there quite confused on how he's flying. "....wha?" I said confused. "Hm..and here I thought I would day or perhaps months off.." He said and that confused me even more. "What do you mean by that" Dust said in a bored tone. "They dont know?" He said and everything clicked. He's a grim reaper, he know about it. I shook my head no and he just look at me and went away. "Uhm..Dust I made food downstairs go eat" I said and he nodded.

       I then just realized something "....why haven't I cough blood yet?.." I Immediately went to the bathroom and tried to see if anything wrong with me. "What...is this?" I looked down to see a tattoo bottle shape on my wrist. "What?!" I panicked and tried to rub it off. Inside the bottle is filled with red. Its supposed to look like wine or something. suddenly I coughed and glance at my hand and yup blood.

     I sign and noticed that the red inside the bottle went down a bit. "..?!..what??.no way...my life span?" I said and the urge to threw up appeared, I felt sick. Its like they want me to see my upcoming doom. "This isn't some game...why is this here?" I said and grab my head in frustration and finally I had enough and wrap some bandages around it and went out of the bathroom to see blue walking upstairs. "Oh blue!" I said and blue look at me and asked why I didnt eat. I just replied saying that Im not hungry anymore with a small grin and he nodded and left clearly not believing me.

    I too left to go into my room and I went inside my room and decided to laid down, I look around to see that its extremely messy I sighed and got down. I decided to clean up a bit. I went around and pick up some books that been laying on the floor for quite a while and some books on the table and finally put them to where they belong on the shelf along with some papers that I wrote about the illness or atleast what it called and trying to find out what wrong with me.

           While I was putting them away the papers, A piece of yellow paper caught my eye and it was a doctor's note? Confused I picked it up and noticed that it was an pretty old paper, I say 7 or 6 years old perhaps? I decided to put it aside and read it later and continued on cleaning.

        Once I finally finish putting everything away I was obviously tired and I remembered about the doctors note and I picked up the paper and look through it...It was about my illness?..but some words are missing...

"Name- Y/n L/n. Age- 8 |
Recently was discovered ill.
Name of the illness-Rtyinusey.
an illness that ------------
A illness that is extremely rare. A cure was created called-------"
the rest seem to missing...."Rtyinusey?" I got up and when to my phone and tried to search for the said illness and found nothing again I tried to search but on a different website and again nothing . "what??" I said confused. I still kept on searching and searching to still found nothing. I spent the hours searching for some sort of clue and still nothing. "um
{Y/n}? why are you still in there..its almost night.."Ink said outside the door. I closed my computer and quickly got up and open the door. "hm? oh! uh...I was...asleep!.." I lied and clearly Ink did not believe me. "Anyway what do you need?" I said trying to change the subject.

         "I was just calling you to hang with everyone downstairs. they also quite worried?" Ink said and I nodded and smiled saying alright and Ink went downstairs
I went to change into something comfy.

     "Hi everyone" I said and they all looked at me. Blue was the first to ask me if im okay to which I nodded. "yeah...sorry I've fall asleep" I said and sat down next to Dust. "We gonna watch a movie!" Blue said excitedly and everyone decided why not?

    "Lets watch comedy"Classic and fell said "No. lets watch romance" Lust said "let watch horror instead" Horror said and nightmare,dust and reaper agreed. "what no! lets watch happiness" Blue said. "...blue thats not-"
    "NO! WE ARE WATCHING COMEDY!" Fell said and so on they continued to fight.

  in the end we chose comedy "heh" Fell said smugly. "Alright alright thats enough" I said and pick a interesting looking movie. After a few minutes in the movie I decided to make some popcorn so I got up. "Where are you going" Dust said

      "Ah Im going to make popcorn wanna help?" I said and Dust looked confused "Pop- corn?" He said. "You never had it?" I asked and He shook his head no. "Oh well you gonna try it!" I said and grab his wrist to drag him to the kitchen to make them. I could someone looking at us but shrug it off.

    "Anyway! If you like it then you can alway make it. I have to much anyway" I said and went to the first cover and grab 10 bags and put them in the oven.  "So if you want to make them you have to go to the first cabinet and take these bags and put them in here. After that click this and put the timer to 4 minutes. got it?" I explained and he nodded.

   once the popcorn was done I took one and feed it to Dust to seem to love it. "Great! let go back now" I said and we took the popcorn. we gave them all to each and everyone and sat down.

Halfway through the show I was getting sleepy but I didnt want to sleep yet so I tried to stay up. In the end I still fall asleep on Dust shoulder. 


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