💚 'The Hell Is This?!' 💚

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A week had passed as Juicy and I continued to see one another, without being caught. No one was suspicious and only Dom knew, he didn't say anything. No one from Green Gang knew, thankfully and Millie and Roger never made anything obvious if we ever went to the cafe.

I woke up feeling as I always do, until Drew gave me a heart attack as he burst through the door.
"Morning!" He sang, cheerfully, to which I groaned.
"What time is it?"
"9:00." He smiled, "Killer Queen Cafe for breakfast?"
"Of course!" I smiled, jumping up to get changed. I wore my usual leather jacket with some black, skinny jeans and a purple crop top.

When we arrived, Drew's face turned to a frown as he stepped into the cafe. I looked to the counter to see Juicy stood with Eddie and Narrator, ordering what they wanted. Eddie turned around and his eyes widened when he saw us, nudging his friends. My eyes immediately met Juicy's as a smirk grew on our faces which we had to hide. Drew wandered to the counter, towering over Eddie and Narrator who were tall, also!
"Don't start conflict in public!" I whispered to him as Juciy whispered similar to Eddie and Narrator.
"We won't be long." Juicy told us, pulling the two to sit down.
"Dawg, we were here first!" Eddie argued, glaring at Drew.
"Just leave it." Juicy muttered, rolling his eyes.
"What's gotten into you?" Narrator frowned, my cheeks heating up.
"We'll go, no worries." I smiled to the boys, Eddie nodding, awkwardly whilst Juicy shook his head.
"Don't worry, Midget, you're good. We're leaving when our order comes."
"Don't you speak to her!" Drew growled, Juicy's eyes widening as he was taken back by the comment.
"Drama at table 3." I heard a girl whisper to Millie and Roger behind me. I looked to see it was Eilish (as it said so on her badge).
"I'm so sorry!" I sighed, "we'll leave, no drama here."
I pulled Drew's arm, making him reluctantly leave as he glared at the three.
"Purple Gang." Drew smirked, putting up his middle finger to show off the ring. With this, Narrator stood to his feet but was immediately brought back down by Eddie and Juicy.

I dragged Drew out, glaring at the man.
"What the hell!" I exclaimed, stopping him at the opening of the streets.
"I hate them, Maiya, don't you?!" He cried.
"Well, yeah, but we don't want attention!" I sighed.
"Everyone knows about us. They know what makes us a member. I think we attracted attention just by going on there!"
"Whatever," I sighed, climbing in the car, "let's just go to McDonalds."

That night, I locked my door, as usual and grabbed my phone and gun. As I got there, I heard Juicy greeting Millie as he went inside. The other day, we actually revealed our names to one another. I found out his name was Gaege, which he really suited. I sat down in front of him, staring into his beautiful eyes.
"Good evening." He smirked, myself smiling. We began to talk, Eilish bringing us a drink over.
"Thanks!" I smiled, paying for it as well as giving her a tip, as I always do. She beamed to me before going back into the kitchen.
"Anything new?" Gaege asked, taking hold of my hands.
"Nope." I smiled, "y-"
I was about to speak, when I heard knocking on the glass window in front of us. I looked to see Eddie and Narrator.
"Oh god." Gaege exclaimed, standing up, running his hands through his hair, "this can't be happening!"
Millie reluctantly let them in to watch the drama about to unfold and so that they wouldn't break the door down.
"The hell is this?!" Eddie exclaimed, glaring at Gaege.
"Eddie, I-"
"She's in Purple Gang!" Narrator exclaimed.
"You don't think he knows that?!" I cried, "Gaege and I-"
Narrator started laughing, angrily whilst Eddie covered his face with his hands.
"You told your name?!" Narrator cried, his face red.
"Are you stupid, dawg?!"Eddie laughed, "she's gonna tell Purple Gang!"
"No, I'm not." I sighed, "why would I do that to him? I didn't tell them you're called Eddie!"
"I don't believe this." Narrator sighed, pacing around the table, "how could you be so stupid, Gaege!"
"When we found you snooping around the other week!" Eddie exclaimed, clicking his fingers, "you were going to see Gaege, weren't you?!"
I sighed, "yeah."
"I knew something was up when you shouted when she got shot." Narrator spoke.
"Guys, please, you can't tell anyone!" Gaege pleaded, myself nodding. The two looked to one another and smirked.
"Oh, we're gonna tell them." Eddie smiled, I had to sit down, tapping my foot due to the stress and burying my head in my hands. I felt Gaege's hand rub my back, which Eddie pulled away.
"But," I heard Narrator say, "there's a way you could not get in trouble for it."
"What?" I croaked, rising my head to see the two smile at one another.
"Join Green Gang." Narrator spoke, Gaege's eyes widening.
"Are you serious?" I laughed, strutting to the two and staring Narrator coldly in the eyes, "I'd rather die."
"That can be arranged." He replied, Gaege stepping in front of me.
"No. No!" He cried, "you're not going to touch her!"
"We're not going to just let you do this!" Eddie told him, pulling out his gun.
"You're not shooting her!" Gaege shouted, pulling his own gun out.
"We're not going to." Narrator sighed, a gun in his hands, also. He walked towards me, grabbing onto me whilst Eddie grabbed my gun.
"We're taking her with us." Narrator told Gaege, who nodded. I knew better than to kick and scream, I didn't want to attract unwanted attention. I simply walked with them. A gun was pointed to my head all of the way there, by Narrator. Eddie wandered in front and Gaege dragged along, behind, looking upset and defeated. We soon reached the gate where Fairybread was stood waiting for us. I looked him in the eyes as he opened the gates to let us in.
"Gollum is waiting in his office." He told Eddie, who nodded and pulled me along.

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