💚 We're Sorry About Lannan 💚

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Finally, I turned my head to see Corpse lying there, a bullet in his stomach.
"No!" I sighed, crawling over to him, placing my hand on his bloody wound, glaring at the girl who had done this. A smirk was plastered all over her face as she pointed her gun to me once more.
"Tan..." Lannan muttered, his sister ignoring him, taking no time to pull the trigger. However, not even a bang erupted. I opened my eyes to see her angry face, her smirk transferred to mine.
"Out of ammo?" Mully smirked, towering over her. Her eyes met his, anger present in them.
"Shut it!" She snapped, "you gay, li-"
Before she could even finish her sentence, her hair was grabbed by Eddie and Grant, who dragged her to her feet. 
"Finish your sentence, I dare you." Grant snarled, Eddie with an evil smirk on his face.

She quickly quietened down, Lannan trying to get the two to let go of her, but they didn't.
"After what she did to my friend?" Grant snapped, gesturing to Corpse, "I don't think so."
"Now, how about you get out before we throw your lifeless bodies out." Grant continued, throwing Tannar into Lannan's arms. The two began to walk, until Lannan grabbed me by my hair, dragging me to my feet. We were now stood by the stairs, myself looking upon everyone, smirking. Why? Well, as I was dragged to my feet, Corpse slyly took the gun from my holder. It was now in his hands as Grant bent down to hold his wound, allowing him to hide it behind Grant's back.
"Now," Lannan spoke, "if any of you come any closer, I swear I'll kill her."
A smirk made its way on my face as I knew what to do. I glanced at Corpse and winked as I began to speak.
"After all of this drama, you'd be doing me a favor." I smirked, Gaege looking up, understanding what I was doing.
"Don't say that, Midget." He spoke, seeming serious which Tannar rolled her eyes at, glaring at her brother, tiredly.
"No, Juicy!" I snapped, Lannan jumping back a little in shock, "I'm sick of everything, at least if I was dead I wouldn't be kidnapped or held hostage every five minutes!"
"Can you two-" Lannan began, getting more and more annoyed, but Gaege cut him off.
"I don't care!" He shouted.
"Guys-" Lannan began, his breath getting heavier, which I could feel on my neck. I smirked at Corpse, he was almost there.
"Juicy, you may as well kill me!" I snapped, Gaege slightly taken back, "it would make me happier than living this god damn life!"
"And what about me?! What would I do without you?! In fact, Lazar should kill me too, cause I can't live without you!"
"Don't be so stupid, Juicy." I laughed, Lannan roughly letting go of me as his hands raised in rage.
"Will you two shut up!" He shouted, myself running to  Gaege in happiness as the pistol was fired. A scream echoed around the room as Lannan's lifeless body collapsed to the floor, by Tannar's side. He wasn't as lucky as Corpse, as soon as the bullet pierced his skin, he was gone.

"L-Lannan..." Tannar spoke, choking on her tears. We all looked to one another awkwardly as she knelt down besides her brother.
"How could you do that?!" She screamed, before stopping. Her breathing calmed down as her tears disappeared. A numb, evil smirk soon crawled onto her face, an idea coming to her. I looked to Gaege in worry, who was holding me in his arms.
"You're forgetting something." She almost whispered, a sinister atmosphere set, "I was part of your stupid gang. I know everything. None of us are making it out of here alive."
With this, she took off running upstairs, Josh, Ayden and I running after her. Mully and Gaege tried to run after us, but Grant held them back, knowing it wasn't safe for a lot of us to go. Following the grieving girl, we reached the top step, our eyes widening as she ran into the weapons room.
"Stop, Tannar." I spoke walking slowly towards her, "we're giving you a chance to go. We're sorry about Lannan, but you left us no choice."
"Don't you dare speak his name!" She snapped, before taking a lighter from the shelf.
"Stop!" Josh quickly called, carefully stepping closer, "Tannar, you're grieving-"
"Yeah, because of you!" She cried, throwing the lighter to the floor.

With this, the room was engulfed in flames, myself stepping to one side, Josh and Ayden to the other. A flame separated us, I could see a little of Ayden's hair, Josh I could barely see. Tannar stepped forward, now only us on this side.  She had attempted to run to the doors of the balcony but flames presented her from doing so.
"I guess this is it for all of us, then." She smirked, grabbing my hair, attempting to pull me to the fire, but I stopped her. Her anger was now getting the better of her as she fully tried to, but ended up letting go of me, falling to the floor. I staggered forward, catching my left hand in the fire. Wincing and crying in pain, I dragged the girl to her feet, myself now face to face with her. Noises from the other side filled me with confidence as Josh and Ayden took hold of the fire extinguisher.
"You need to pull this out and then press down on this." I heard Ayden tell Josh.
"Well, there's no point telling me, you idiot!" Josh shouted, "just do it!"
I smirked down at Tannar as a small part of the fire put out at the top, leaving the balcony door open. Suddenly, the extinguisher stopped, both of us turning forwards. I quickly let go of Tannar, rushing towards the two boys who were now once again separated from me.
"What's going on?" I called, the two groaning.
"Something's happened to the fire extinguisher!" Ayden called.
"The last person who was supposed to refill it was..." Josh began, realization hitting. Frightfully, I turned to my left to see Tannar stood, an evil grin spread across her face.
"Me." She smiled.

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