💚 I'm So Sorry 💚

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"Is she okay?!" A familiar voice shouted as I started to come around. I could tell who's voice it was without a doubt. Gaege's.
"I'm so sorry, man!" Mully spoke, "it was Lannan, he ran us off the road and-"
"And I'm going to kill him!" Gaege boomed, making me jump and therefore opening my eyes. A bright light met me, my eyes squinting. I soon realised where I was and what had happened.
"Maiya!" Mully shouted, running to my side as he was stood at the bottom of my bed. However, I completely ignored him as I was more worried about Gaege.
"Gaege!" I shouted, his head soon looking around the corner. His eyes widened when they met mine.
"Get here now!" I spoke seriously, his head dropping as if he were a child being told off, "where the hell do you think you're going?!"
"He-" Gaege began to speak, but stopped when I shook my head.
"I don't care!" I told him, making him slouch in the seat besides me, Mully giggling at the other side, "you're not going after him alone, you'll be killed! You need to wait."
"So we are going after him?" Mully frowned, myself and Gaege turning towards him.
"That's up to Josh." I smiled, Mully's smile fading, myself beginning to panic as I remembered what happened, "he's okay, right?!"
With this, Mully burst into tears and left, my eyes filling, also. I turned back to Gaege who looked everywhere but me.
"Gaege," I cried, "please, tell me he's okay."
"He..." Gaege began to speak, but stood up as he rubbed his eyes, "he's... gone..."
"What do you mean?" I frowned, sitting up in my bed, "he's not..."
"He's dead, Maiya!" Gaege cried, his voice cracking, "he passed away as soon as the car crashed, the paramedics think! You could have saved him, Maiya... you didn't!"
With this, he stormed off, tears flowing down his cheeks.
"Gaege!" I called, but he still kept going, shaking his head and not looking back.

I didn't know what to do. My world around me had stopped. My friend, my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my brother was... gone. It was all my fault! If I had done more, he would have survived! I didn't know what to feel! I was disappointed, angry, heart broken. My eyes frantically searched the room as my eyes poured with tears. As I looked to my side, I saw a picture lying of him, sat on my desk. His smiling face, his big, bright blue eyes, his tiny body, his beaming teeth, his messy hair which he hid under a beanie. He was amazing and I already missed him. I needed one of his deep, strong hugs where he'd rub my back and whisper that everything would be okay. A scream released from my mouth as I curled into a ball, tears staining my face.

"Sorry about your friend." A dark voice spoke. I quickly wiped my tears, looking up and glaring at the man stood in the doorway.
"Get out!" I snapped, standing to my feet, but falling to the floor due to the agony I was in from the incident. A laugh erupted from him as I felt him stand above me. With one swift kick to my side, I was sent to my side, crashing into the bedside cabinet.
"Stop!" I cried, clinging to my bandaged arm which had took most of the impact.
"Why should I?" He scoffed, kicking my once more.
"You abandoned us!"
Another kick.
"You hurt my sister!"
Another kick.
"You encouraged Mully to break up with my sister!"
Another kick.
"And where did that get him?" He laughed, pulling me up to face him, his hands wrapped through my hair as I glared into his stone cold eyes, "where is his little boyfriend now, hm?"
Rage over took me. I tried to hit him, but collapsed as he quickly moved out of the way.
"You're pathetic." He laughed, "Gaege has left now and look who else has come to visit you! No one. Where's Eddie, Grant and Ayden? They're visiting a boy who's dead! Where's Drew or Dom or Daz? They're visiting a boy who isn't going to wake up anytime soon! Face it, Swan, no one cares about you. You should have died in that car crash! It should be you in Josh's bed and him here with Mully and Gaege."
"Leave me alone." I whispered, closing my eyes to stop the tears from falling.
"As you wish." He smirked, walking and leaving me alone with my thoughts.

You should have died in that car crash...
Car crash...

"Car crash?! Why didn't they stick to the main road?!" With the sound of that familiar voice, I shot up from my bed, my eyes snapping open to see Gaege, Eddie, Drew and Dom stood around my bed.
"Midget!" Gaege shouted, rushing over and wrapping his arms around me, "thank god."
"Where's Josh?" I cried, "and Mully? Did they-"
"They're all okay!" Eddie smiled, "Josh woke up just before you did and Mully is sat with him."
"He's... he's alive?" I cried, covering my mouth in relief.
"Yes, don't worry." Drew smiled, rubbing my arm, "and don't worry, Lazar will pay for what he did."
"Damn right he will!" Gaege scoffed.

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