💚 I'll Make Sure They Die 💚

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Anger consumed me as I stared at my unconscious friend. Mully was the same, though as he tried to escape, he noticed his seat belt was jammed.
"Don't worry, I'll sort it." I told him, giving him once last hug before grabbing my gun. Due to the angle to car lay at, I was able to break all of the window and slide under it to escape. Though this resulted in numerous cuts due to the broken glass, I had to do it. My biggest fear was not facing Lannan but something happening to the boys when I did. Despite that, I marched up the hill, my gun loaded and ready in my hands.
"Hey!" I called to the man who was smirking at our destroyed car until he saw me.
"How did you-" he began until I held up my gun, himself doing the same.
"How's the others?" He smirked, stepping closer, "I hear they're a couple now. From lord of Purple Gang to Lord of the Rings, eh?"
"Shut it!" I snapped, firing my gun which bloodied his arm and sent him to the floor. As he groaned in pain, I ran closer, kicking the gun from his weak hand and stamping on the wound I'd just made.
"Get off of me!" He snapped, raising his feet and kicking me. His feet landed on my mouth, sending me backwards and busting my lip. I ran my hand across the mouth and saw red. As he staggered to his feet, now holding his gun, I raised mine, firing at his hand and making him drop my gun.
"You shot off my finger, you psychopath!" He cried as he grabbed onto the wound where his little finger should be.
"And you kidnapped and betrayed my family!" I shouted as I kicked and hit him with all I could, releasing all of my anger.
"Swagger is in a coma! Juicy has a wounded leg! Josh and Mully could die in that car!"
"Oh," Lannan sinisterly smirked, raising his gun to the car down the hill, "I'll make sure they die!"
With this, he pulled the trigger, sending a bullet to the car. Seconds later, I watched as a fire had began.
"No!" I cried, punching Lannan one last time to get him off of me before running down the hill to help my friends.

As I arrived, Mully was punching the window, helplessly whilst Josh still sat motionless.
"I'm here!" I told him, taking my gun and smashing the window with it. As I did so, Mully practically dragged me into the car to help him and Josh. I had too much adrenaline to care that my stomach was being brutally cut by the glass I lay on. To help Mully, I decided to just shoot the seatbelt, quickly releasing him.
"Do the same with Josh's he told me." I nodded and pointed it to his seat, "hurry, Maiya, I can't loose him!"
I nodded as tears filled my eyes and pulled my trigger. To our dismay, no bullet was released.
"Crap. Crap!" I shouted, kicking the car as I realized I was out of ammo.
"Right." I spoke, unlocking the door and pulling out Mully, "grab my phone, it's in the bag, and call any of Green Gang. One of them should pick up and help us!"
I told him, he nodded and rushed to do so whilst I climbed into the car, now sat in Mully's seat.
"Josh." I spoke, shaking the boy, but he didn't answer, he simply lay still. A cry escaped my mouth as I began to pull him from his seat. Thankfully, it loosened, causing him to fall into my lap. I sighed in relief as I dragged him from the car, which was now half engulfed in flames.
"They're out!" I heard Mully shout to my phone as he spoke to someone, waving and running towards us.

I smiled, dragging my friend to him, though stopped when I heard something.
"Get back!" I shouted to Mully, who fearfully did so. I soon heard a car drive away, making me look up to see Lannan cockily waving towards us before driving away, leaving us completely helpless.
"Maiya!" Mully called, myself turning to look at him, my eyes filling with tears of fear and disappointment.
"It's going to explode!" I called to him, dropping Josh besides me.
"NO!" Mully cried, running his hands through his hair. We both knew there was no point Josh and I running, we could barely do so. Mully was as far back as he could be, Josh and I had make it quite far until I heard another click, it will be at the most ten seconds. I frantically pulled Josh as far away as I could, though we didn't get far so I had to do what I needed to. I smiled to my peaceful friend, curling him up allowing me to climb on top of him easier. With this, I looked up to Mully, smiling until I put my head down just in time for the explosion, which seemed to be in slow motion. I clenched my eyes shut, my mind going blank with my last thought being 'I hope Josh is okay'.

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