💚 Kill Them 💚

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As I drew closer, Lannan switched the gun to me, myself jumping back slightly as Gaege tried to shout, only sobs coming out.
"Let them go, now." Eddie snarled, Lannan laughing.
"Or what, blob fish?" Lannan returned, Eddie's fists clenching.
"What did you call me, dawg!" he shouted, though backed up when Lannan's gun was turned to face him.
"Why can't you just leave us alone!" I shouted, slyly getting my gun out of my belt.
"You're outnumbered, Lazar, go home." Drew spoke, Lannan laughing in response.
"No I'm not." He smirked, a hand grabbing onto my gun, pulling it from me and placing it on my head. I looked behind me to see a young-looking boy, with black hair and dark eyes, a mask covering the rest of his face. Others held onto everyone else as Lannan smirked, digging his gun further into Gaege's head.
"Meet the new Purple Gang." He giggled, before looking at the boy behind me, "Corpse, go take her to the basement, while I sort out her boys."
I frowned at his code name, it definitely intimidated me.
"You dare touch a hair on their head and I swear to god I will murder you." I scowled, receiving a scoff in response.
"You'll need to get away from him first." He spoke, gesturing to Corpse.

With this, I was dragged to the basement, I knew better than to fight him. As soon as he closed the door, he let go of me, myself quickly punching him before he could do anything. With this, he collapsed to the floor, holding onto his nose, which I could see was bleeding through his mask. I held up my fist to punch him again as he lifted my gun, only to my surprise, he tossed it down the stairs. I frowned, though still kept my fist raised, his hands also raised in fear.
"No, stop!" He spoke, his voice deeper than anyone's I'd ever heard! It was deeper than Narrator's and that's saying something!
"Jesus, your voice is deep." I muttered, him chuckling in response.
"Thanks, I get that a lot." He laughed, standing to his feet, his hands still held up in defense, "seriously though, don't punch me, I'm going to help."
"Yeah, I've never heard that one before" I laughed, quickly grabbing my gun, before looking back up to see he hadn't moved, surprisingly.
"I'm serious." He spoke, hands in the air, "trust me. If I do anything suspicious, shoot me. Deal?"
"What if you shoot me before I shoot you?" I frowned, the boy laughing in response.
"Do you see a gun on me?"
"Fine." I sighed, cautiously edging towards him, "let's make a plan."
"No need." He laughed, "let's just go, shoot them, untie everyone and get rid of them."
"Kill them?" I frowned, Corpse nodding as his hand rests on the doorknob, "fine, let's go."

With this, Corpse and I piled out of the room, sneaking to the side of the stairs where the others were held.
"Shut up!" I heard Lannan shout, a sharp sound following. I winced as I heard it, worrying whose face he had just slapped.
"Go." Corpse whispered, tapping my gun, myself nodding and wandering forward. Looking back once, Corspe nodded giving me the cue to storm into the room, gun in my hand, facing a shocked Lannan. Tannar was holding onto Mully, staring at me with wide eyes. Everyone looked to me, Lannan's eyes furrowing in disbelief.
"Wh-what did you do to Corpse?" He almost whispered, drawing closer, though jumping back as I shifted my hand. As if on cue, shouts and calls errupted from the other room, Lannan's eyes wideninv even further. Despite the chaos, I never took my eyes off of him, a smirk plastered all over my face. Soon, Corpse wandered in, a smile on his face, visible through the mask. He held a gun he must have taken from one of Lannan's guys, shock pasted on his and Tannar's faces. We simply laughed at this, guns pointed to the two.
"What are you..." Lannan began, Corspe laughing in response.
"Fun fact, I've been friends with Narrator for years." he spoke, myself shocked as he never told me this. Grant laughed, standing up as he must have been loosening his ropes.
"Too right." he laughed, before his fist collided with Tannar, her releasing Mully as she collapsed to the floor, holding her now bloody nose.
"Oy!" Lannan shouted, stepping closer to Grant and Mully, "that's my sister!"
"And these are my brothers." Grant snapped, before turning to me, "and sister. Now take your sister and get out before I make sure you don't have one."
"Don't threaten her." he boomed, his face now inches from Grant's.
"Don't try me." He smirked, the others now surrounding him, "out. Now."

We all smirked at this, that was until I looked down to see Tannar, her hand held up, holding something I knew all too well. It was pointed directly at me, a smirk on her face. I didn't know where she'd gotten it, but I didn't have time to react as my gun was by my side, her firing it too quickly. My eyes clenched shut at the horrific sound, however nothing pierced my skin. Before it could, someone had pushed me out of the way, myself collapsing onto the floor besides someone who immediately held me away from the noise of the fire.
"No!" I heard Eric shout, tears immediately filling my eyes.
"Don't look." The person holding me whispered, myself nodding, unable to speak.

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