💚 I Think He Likes Swagger 💚

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"What about him?" I asked, my eyes filling with tears as the worst thoughts filled my mind. To my surprise, Gaege simply smiled, squeezing my hand, excitedly.
"He's woken up!" He exclaimed, jumping with joy.
"What?!" I cried, covering my mouth as tears rolled down my cheeks, "that's amazing!"
With this, hand in hand, we ran back into the room to see Josh now off of the phone. I quickly wrapped my arms around Drew and Dom as we all looked at Josh hopefully.
"He's awake!" He smiled, cheers filling the room before he continued, "they're letting four of us go and visit. I think it should be Drew, YUNGBLUD, Maiya and Smashing."
"Agreed." Gaege smiled, squeezing my hand.
"Let's go then!" I smiled, running to my room to grab my coat and phone.

When we arrived, I looked into the room to see one of my closest friends now lying down with his eyes open, smiling happily at the nurse. She soon looked up, beaming at the four of us stood awkwardly in the doorway.
"I'll leave you guys to it." She smiled, walking out of the room. As soon as she passed us, we rushed towards him, each wrapping our arms around him, though Smashing stood back a little and watched. Eric, looking through our arms, stuck out his hands to Smashing, who tearfully took them.
"You saved my life, the least I can give you is a hug." I heard Eric whisper in Smashing's ear. A smile carved its way on my face as I heard this, as did one on Eric's when he saw what was on Dom and Drew's hands.
"You guys have changed your tunes." He laughed, sitting up slightly, "on Green now, huh?"
"After everything that's happened, why wouldn't we? A lot has happened since your accident! He nearly killed Maiya, Gollum ans Fairybread! Those two are together by the way."
"Fairybread and Gollum?" Eric frowned, "Shame, I thought Gollum was cute."
Though the last part spoken was whispered, we all still heard it, to which we all laughed. However, when I glanced at Smashing, he looked... disappointed?
"You okay, Smashing?" I whispered, snapping him from his trance as he nodded, unconvincingly.
"If we're in Green, what's their names? Their real names?" Eric frowned, Smashing looking up.
"Well," he spoke, "mine is Ayden."
My eyes widened as I didn't actually know this, though I smiled as I now knew everyone's names.

Soon, I received a phone call from Gaege, frowning as I wasn't sure why.
"You okay?" I quickly asked, walking out of the room to give myself some privacy.
"How's Swagger?" He asked, calmly, myself sighing in relief.
"He's good!" I then paused, questioning weather I should ask, "Can I ask you something? About Smashing?"
"Course!" Gaege hummed, myself sighing as I felt bad.
"Does he... Has he ever had a girlfriend?"
"You aren't leaving me for him, are you?" Gaege laughed, though I could tell by his voice he was worries I was.
"Of course not!" I quickly replied, him sighing in relief, "I think he likes Swagger..."
"You do?" Gaege asked, confusion in his voice.
"Yeah." I muttered, "Swagger jokingly said that he thought Gollum was cute and he looked upset!"
"Damn..." Gaege muttered, "I'll talk to Josh cause I'm honestly not sure. I haven't seen him with a girl, though!"
"Good to know." I smiled, "night!"
"Night, love you!" He called. Just as I was about to say it back, he had hung up.
"Rude." I giggled, sliding my phone into my pocket. Still smiling, I turned around only to jump out of my skin.
"Smashing!" I cried, holding my quickened heart, "don't do that I could have had a heart attack!"
I paused as I looked into his eyes, anger present in them as they glared into my own. My eyes widened as I processed what had just happened.
"How long have you been stood there?" I muttered, quickly looking to the floor as the man stromed past me, sighing in anger. I looked up in shock as I held my shoulder he had nudged, not because it hurt, it didn't, but because I was used to him smiling and laughing, not barging past people. I looked up, frowning to see him stood, glaring at me.
"Long enough to hear you talking about me behind my back!" He shouted, before storming out of the hospital, my hand falling onto my head.
"Smashing!" I called, though he didn't reply, leaving me stood alone in the hospital hallway.
"What's wrong with him?" I heard, I turned to see Drew and Dom stood in the doorway, confusion painted on their faces as a sigh escaped my mouth.
"Nothing, just me and my big mouth." I muttered, wandering back into Eric's room.

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