💚 'He Will Be Okay' 💚

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"W-who is?" Josh muttered, looking really worried.
"Swagger..." Drew cried, tears staining my shirt.
"What's happened to him?" Dom muttered, tears pouring down his red cheeks. Drew tried to speak but only sobs came out.
"It's okay, breathe." I whispered as he did as I said. Soon enough, he nodded, slowly starting to speak.
"He's in a coma! The bullet wounded him that much! And it's all my fault!" Drew sobbed into my shoulder, myself rubbing his back as I tried not to show that I was crying. I looked up to the others, teary eyes as Josh smiled softly, tapping my back in support. I looked over to Dom who was being comforted by Smashing. I smiled as he rubbed his back, softly as Dom, like Drew, cried into his shoulder.

"Are you Mr McIntyre?" Someone soon interrupted. I looked up, nudging Drew to get up, to see a nurse stood, looking worried. Dom had stood up, waiting eagerly to hear what she had to say.
"I just wanted to let you know that Juicy is awake. His wound is infected, but luckily you brought him just in time! He will recover with enough rest and medicine. I'd say it will take roughly two weeks! Maybe more, depending on the results of his blood test."
"And Swagger?" Drew looked up, still tears in his eyes. Her face dropped slightly, mine doing the same. With this, Josh patted me, once more, sitting down my my side to comfort me more.
"He still has not woken up," the doctor told us, all of us crying more, "as I said, he is in a coma. After some assessments, we hope for him to wake up in,
at the least a month."
"A month?!" Dom cried, falling back on his chair besides Drew, who's head had fallen back into his hands, his sobs echoing around the room.
"I'm sorry." She sighed, "you can go and see them, but we recommend only four people to a room, please."
With this, she left us to it, Josh groaned.
"I'm so sorry, Chosen One." He sighed, standing up, patting Drew's shoulder, gently.
"Call me Drew." He mumbled into his hands, only us hearing, before he looked up, wiping the tears from his puffy eyes. A small smile made its way onto Josh's face as Drew had trusted him with his name.
"Midget, do you want to go to Juicy's or Swagger's room?" Josh asked me, his hand resting on my shoulder.
"I'll go with Chosen and YUNGBLUD to Swagger's room and let you guys see Juice." I told him, "tell him I'll be coming to see him soon."
"No problem." Josh smiled, hugging me before he, Mully, Eddie and Grant going to see Juicy whilst Drew, Dom and I went to see Eric, Smashing coming with us.
"Thanks for coming." I smiled to Smashing as he pulled me up from my seat.
"Well, I got to spend a bit of time with him before he blacked out. Plus I don't want to be sat in that damn waiting room by myself." He laughed, attempting to make light of the situation.
"Yeah." I smiled, though still worried for my friend.
"Hey," Smashing spoke softly, wrapping his arm around my waist, "he will be okay, I promise you!"
I sighed, my eyes falling shut for a second, "I hope so."

As I walked through the white, bland hallway, screams and cries echoed from each room. I could look through each door to see someone crying from a death, a promise, a condition or a confession. Each person in the bed was different. Some were old, some were young, some were even teenagers! The sight of a mother crying over her dead child broke my heart as I passed one room which sat two doors away from Eric's room. Inhaling deeply, I walked in to see my friend lying, helplessly, in a hospital bed. A cry escaped my mouth as I rushed to his side, the others following.
"Hey, Eric." I whimpered, taking a hold of one of his cold, pale hands, "it's just Midget, Chosen, YUNGBLUD and Smashing."
"Hey, buddy." Dom cried, trying to hold it together. It was hard just seeing him attached to all of these wires, tubes and machines that were keeping him alive! That machine. It's noises helped me cope. As long as I heard it, I knew he would make it.
"I'm so sorry." Drew cried, his head falling onto Eric's lap, "this is all my fault! It should be me here, not you! God, you're like a son to me, I need to protect you! I swore I'd protect all of you and look at the job I've done!"
"Hey, it's not your fault." Smashing spoke, patting Drew's back, who looked up at him. Their eyes met and I could tell Smashing looked worried.
"I should be thanking you." Drew spoke, our eyes widening as Smashing frowned, "you're the reason he's still alive. You made sure he wouldn't lose too much blood. You saved him, Smashing. I really do owe you one."
"No you don't." Smashing smiled, "you would have done he same."
"I didn't." Drew sighed, leaning back on his seat.
"Would you if I hadn't been there?"
"Well..." Drew paused, "yeah, of course I would have!"
"There you go then." Smashing smiled, "you don't owe me anything."
"Yeah, but you owe me something." Drew spoke, Smashing frowning. I looked to Drew who had a weak and teary smile on his face.
"What?" Smashing chuckled, eagerly leaning in to hear what it was.

"A green ring."

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