💚 'You Want Me To Stay?' 💚

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I sighed, "of course it was."
"Yeah, shot my ankle, now I limp every time I walk."
"Yo, Midget!" I heard Tans call, I turned to see her and Juicy stood in the doorway. As soon as I saw him, a smile grew on my face.
"Your room's ready." He smirked, sticking out his hand for me to grab in order to get off of the chair.
"Later, Smashing." I smiled, walking, hand in hand with Juicy.
"Bye!" Smashing called, Tans rolling her eyes which I frowned at, but chose to ignore it. We soon reached a doorway set on the third floor of the mansion, which was besides Gollum and Fairybread's rooms. I walked in, seeing a modern, yet fancy-looking room. There was a door leading to a balcony and another leading to a bathroom. The carpet was grey and felt amazing when you stood on it barefooted. The bed was white with grey sheets and had wooden shelving above it. Around the room, was shelving, wardrobes, desks and other, similar things.

I sat on the bed, it bouncing slightly as I did so. Inhaling deeply, I took out my phone, looking upon the Lock Screen. It was a picture of me and Green Gang. I remember that day! We all went to the beach, together. Dom, Eric and I went into the water and were splashing around until Eric was stung by a jelly fish. Dom and I thought he was joking so we began to laugh until he showed us his swollen foot. Luckily, it wasn't serious so we stayed at the beach, though Drew scolded Dom and I. I giggled at the memory, at Dom and I laughing as Eric started to curse the jelly fish, at Drew shouting at Dom and I though we just laughed as he did so. The laughter soon turned to tears which fell onto the photo. The photo was taken by myself. I wanted us to have a selfie so I positioned it perfectly. We all smiled, Dom and Eric putting their heads on each of my shoulders, Daz posing as he laid behind us on a sun-bed, Drew smiling as he sat in front of Daz and Lannan putting a hand on Drew and Eric's shoulder. We all looked great, until I took to photo. As I took it, Daz shouted in horror. We all looked great apart from Daz who could be seen screaming and gesturing to his chest. I'm sure you could guess what a bird had done. We were all in fits, apart from Daz, of course.
"It's not funny!" He screamed to us before going to a get something to clean it with. We laughed and teased him for weeks!

"Maiya." I heard someone mutter, I looked up to see Juicy stood in the doorway. I looked at him with glassy eyes and a weak smile. He rushed over to my side, wiping my tears with his thumb.
"What's wrong." He sighed, panic clear on his face. I was about to answer until he looked down and saw the photo. Exhaling a breath, he looked back to me.
"You miss them, huh?" He frowned, sympathetically.
"I- I can't go back to them." I sobbed, "I won't be able to see you."
Juicy sighed once more before wrapping me up in his arms.
"I hate seeing you upset." He whispered, stroking my hair, gently, "do you want to go back to them?"
"No after w-what you guys told me."

We lay like this for around half an hour until I felt Juicy move.
"Don't go." I muttered.
"I won't." Juicy whispers, holding me closer, "you need to sleep. It's midnight."
"I'm not tired." I lied. I was exhausted! My eyes felt heavy and I knew I couldn't open them for much longer, but I didn't fully trust Green Gang, I was worried they'd do something whilst I was sleeping.
"Well, you will be in the morning." Juicy told me, I smiled.
"Okay, dad." I heard Juicy chuckle, softly.
"What have they said about me?" I asked, turning my body to look into his beautiful, green eyes.
"Nothing you need to worry about." He smiled, kissing my forehead. I frowned, causing him to roll his eyes.
"They just said that you can stay for a couple of days to decide but if you decide to go to Purple, you can't come back here and you can't keep seeing me. But they'd prefer you to stay here instead of going to Purple while you decide. We don't trust them."
"What if I don't you guys." I muttered, fidgeting with my fingers.
"I mean, you must trust us a little if you chose to stay here."
"I trust you!" I told him, his eyes lighting up, "I don't want to leave because then I'll need to leave you. I've never known anyone like you, Gaege! I've never felt like this about anyone! I'm not ready to just leave you like that."
Juicy looked into my eyes, a smirk clear on his face, (which I could even see in the dark).
"Sorry to ruin... this..." I heard someone cough, I turned to see Josh stood in the doorway, "just wanted to check you two are okay?"
"We're good." Gaege beamed, still looking into my eyes.
"Good." He smiled, awkwardly, "well, please don't be up all night cause I can hear you next door."
Gaege and I both laughed, myself nodding.
"Night." Josh smiled, sweetly.
"Night!" Juicy called, standing up, once more.
"Are you leaving." I pouted, him turning back around.
"You want me to stay?" He smirked, myself nodding.
"Just in case." I smiled, snuggling into his chest when he laid down. The way Josh and Smashing smiled to me and the way Narrator, Eddie and Fairybread complained about me joining Green Gang bugged me all night, stopping me from sleeping. What if they are telling the truth and all along I've been siding with the wrong people? What if Green Gang are actually good?

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