💚 'You'll Never Be Our Sister' 💚

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"Maiya." Gaege spoke, rising from his seat, "you don't have to, you kno-"
"I want to, Gaege." I smiled, stepping closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. After a moment of silence, the others began to cheer, all joining the hug.
"Welcome, Midget!" Josh exclaimed, before pausing, "so your name's Maiya, huh?"
I glared at Gaege before nodding my head. The boys giggled before pulling away, smiling to me.
"We've been planning this!" Josh told me, "come upstairs, we'll make it official!"
I nodded and watched as the gang walked upstairs, apart from Gaege who pulled me to the side.
"You don't need to do this just for us." He told me, "you love them like they're your brothers!"
"And I'll love you guys the same." I smiled, walking upstairs. I could feel tears gather in my eyes, which I quickly brushed away. I was scared of what they would say but I couldn't go back after what I now knew. Plus, I wanted to see what could happen with me and Gaege! The gang is all so nice and supportive so I hope I have made the right decision.

As I reached the top step, I was pulled into a darkened room, lit with candles. I laughed as I looked around, seeing all of the gang stood around a stand holding a Green Gang ring.
"Over dramatic much?" I laughed as I stood in the centre, inches from the stand which Josh stood behind.
"We like a bit of drama, okay?!" He joked, picking up the ring from the table and reaching out his hand for my own. I couldn't look as he took off the Purple Gang ring. It hurt too much.
"I do." I giggled as he began to put the Green Gang ring on my finger. The others chuckled, before erupting into applause as I showed off my ring. I began to walk away but they stopped me.
"That's not all!" Josh told me, "you need to swear to never betray Green Gang. That you will have the gang's full dedication and will do everything you can to protect them."
Drawing a breath, I closed my eyes as I began to think. This means I need to hurt someone like Dom and Eric in order to protect someone like Gaege and Eddie!
"I swear."
"Alright, fools, I'm making tripas tacos to celebrate!" Eddie shouted, before rushing out of the room and downstairs.
"Some what?" I asked the others.
"Who knows. He's speaking Taco Bell." Gaege laughed. I giggled and followed the others downstairs.
"Smells good, Eddie!" I called into the kitchen where I could smell the food cooking already.
"Thanks, mami!" Eddie responded. I walked in and began helping, cutting peppers and other vegetables.
"Are these going to be spicy?" I asked, grabbing some plates.
"It depends." Eddie told me.
"Some of the boys, cough, cough, Josh and Mully, cough, cough are chickens. Gaege and I are beasts at hot food, though!"
"I bet." I laughed, plating up the now-done tacos.
"Guys! Dinner!" I called, Eddie and I putting the plates on the table which Gaege had just set. I grabbed the hot sauce and put it in the middle of the table, along with some other sauces.
"Oh, keep that away from me, ay." Fairybread laughed, sitting down to eat.

"Yo, Ed, what even is tripas?" Josh asked, taking a bite into his taco.
"Animal intestine." Eddie said plainly, also taking a bite. As he said this, Fairybread and Smashing began to choke on their tacos whilst Josh and Narrator put theirs on their plate, staring at the meat inside.
"Drama queens." I laughed, taking another bite.
"I know, just eat the food! C'mon!" Gaege called in an awful Brooklyn accent which I did giggle at. We all began to laugh until I heard something outside. I stood up and looked outside only to see Dom and Eric stood outside.
"Crap!" I shouted, hiding behind the wall, though too late as the boys had saw me. Banging soon erupted from the door, Gaege and Josh walking in.
"They saw me." I whispered, their eyes widening and Josh resting his face in his hands whilst Gaege ran his hands through his hair.
"Open up! Now!" Dom called.
"I'll talk to them." I told the boys, though Gaege insisted he should come, too. As soon as I opened the door, I was met with Dom pushing Gaege out of the way, he and Eric storming into the house.
"YUNGBLUD, Swagger, get out!" Josh told them, the rest of the gang coming to see what was going on.
"We've been worried sick! We've been searching for as long as we could and you've been here! You've been seeing your Green Gang boyfriend, huh?! Sleeping with the enemy?!"
"Boyfriend?" Eric frowned, looking to Dom them to me.
"She's been seeing Juicy." Dom told him, not taking his eyes off of mine.
"And you knew?!"
"Get out!" Josh repeated, walking over and standing behind me.
"Look, YUNGBLUD, I-" I began to speak until my hand was pulled to the two boys. Eric staring at my ring as Dom glared at me, once more.
"Y-you've joined them?" Dom spoke, his voice raspy with anger and his eyes filling with tears, mine copying.
"Blud, I-"
"You joined Green Gang!" He boomed, making me jump as he'd never shouted like this to me before. The look of disgust on his face made me shiver as I tried to speak, but my mouth wouldn't let me.
"We brought you in! We gave you the food off of our table, a roof over your head, I let you share my room! I was your brother! You leave us for him?!"
"Him has a name." Tans spoke, Eric glaring at her.
"I didn't leave for Juicy!" I fought, tears falling down my cheeks, "I left because you lied to me!"
Their eyes grew wider with this, frowning in confusion.
"Yeah," I smiled, angrily, "never told me you were the ones who betrayed them. Never told me you were the ones who started this rivalry! You lied to me! You've left Smashing on a crutch!"
"What did he expect?!" Dom shouted, "we all know we're going to get injured. He signed up for it! And I'll have you know we weren't lying, but if you want to believe them be my guest. Let me say, as long as you have that ring on your finger, you'll never be our sister and you'll never be in Purple."
"Then she'll be our sister instead." Josh snapped, putting his arm around my shoulder. Eric scoffed as the two left, slamming the door as they did so, leaving me to sink to the floor, in tears.

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