💚 'I Love You' 💚

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As the night passed, my eyes became harder and harder to keep open. Thankfully, Josh soon woke up, Gaege also.
"You look awful." Gaege laughed, looking into my drousy eyes.
"God, you sure do now how to make me feel special." I laughed, slouching my head on his shoulder.
"I'm joking, I love you." He laughed, myself freezing. Slowly, I pushed myself up to look at him.
"What?" I asked in an almost whisper, not able to believe what he had just said. A smile spread across Gaege's face as his fingers intwined with my own.
"I love you." He repeated, Josh shuffling excitedly in his seat. I looked to him, seeing he was holding up his phone, smiling as he did so.
"He said he loved me not 'will you marry me', Josh. You don't need to film us." I laughed, Gaege doing the same. I sighed, happily, turning back to the boy, squeezing his hand slightly.
"I love you, too." I smiled, my cheeks bright red.

I suddenly jumped as applause erupted from Josh's phone. I then realized he was not videoing us, but calling the others.
"God, finally!" Mully called.
"Yo, does this mean you two are dating?!" Eddie asked, excitedly, my cheeks glowing further.
"Well," Gaege spoke in a posh voice, "that is up to the fair lady. Madam, would you do the honor of becoming mine?"
I laughed at his silliness, before nodding my head excitedly.
"I would love to, sire!" I spoke in my best, fancy voice, everyone laughing and cheering.
"Great." Gaege smiled, now speaking normally and quite quietly. With this, he pulled me into his chest, holding me close.

Later, the boys decided to all visit, Smashing going to see Eric, this time bringing Daz with him.
"T Party!" I cried, rushing over to hug him.
"Hey, Dazzler!" He exclaimed, "how are you doing?"
"Alright." I smiled, "Juicy and I... we're..."
I now looked to the floor, unsure of how he'd react what with him still being in Purple Gang. Well, so I thought.
"Finally!" He exclaimed, "you two may as well have when you went to Green Gang."
"You aren't wrong." Smashing laughed, also giving me a hug, "I've filled him in on Swagger and Juicy's conditions and everything else."
"Yeah, they aren't the only ones leaving Purple Gang." Daz smiled, my eyes widened as I hugged my friend once more, this time tighter.
"Are you joining-" I began, excitedly, only Daz cut me off.
"I'm sorry, I'm not." He sighed, myself releasing an upset sigh.
"Don't take it personal!" He told me, seriously, "I'm doing it for my daughter. I'm not going to put her in danger! When she arrives, I want to be with her all of the time."
"I get that." I smiled, resting my hand on his shoulder.
"Don't think I won't keep in contact or work on new weapons and technology for you guys!"
"You'll be an ally." I laughed.
"Exactly." He smiled, "anyways, I'm going to go and see Swags. Bye, Midget!"
"Bye T!" I called, wandering back into Juicy's room in which Mully, Grant and Eddie sat in.

"Where did Josh go?" I asked as I shut the door.
"He needed to go back to the mansion. We've got a new delivery and paper work that needs sorting." Mully told me, looking slightly sad that his partner was not there. As I sat besides Gaege, his head rested on my shoulder whilst Mully, Grant and Eddie gave me funny looks which I laughed at.

We decided that tonight Mully and I would stay with Gaege as I didn't want to leave until he was out. When the night fell, I left Mully to look out whilst I went to say goodnight to the others and let them know about Gaege and I. As I knocked on the door, I saw Drew looking at something on his finger. His middle finger. A smile formed on my face as a green shimmer hit the light, making it noticable what he was looking and smiling at.
"Hey." I smiled, he and Dom happily looking up.
"Midget!" Dom called, holding up his hand, also revealing a green ring, "you like them?"
"I love them!" I smiled, quickly running in and hugging the two before sneaking back to the doorway so that I wouldn't be told off by a member of staff.
"I have some news." I smiled, the two raising their eyebrows and shuffling in their seats, curious and excited.
"Juicy and I are officially together." I smiled, Dom cheering, but Drew frowning.
"I thought you already were!" he laughed, "but congratulations. He's a good lad, he'll treat you right!"
I smiled and quickly ran in for anothet hug.
"And if he doesn't." Drew spoke as his arms wrapped around my shoulders and head rested in the crook of my neck, "I'll kill him."
"You've said that every time I liked someone, Drew. Maybe that's why no one has wanted to date me!" I told him, pulling away.
"If they leave because people around you love you then they must be toxic." Drew responded, myself rolling my eyes in response, but smiling at him.
"Fairybread is keeping a look out while I sleep then we're going to swap, you guys should do the same."
"Good idea, incase Lannan comes." Drew smiled, sitting up in his chair whilst Dom shrugged and slouched back, getting ready to try and get some sleep.
"Bye guys." I smiled, wandering down the hallway back to the room.

A shock waited for me as I entered, seeing a figure stood above Gaege in the darkness. As I looked closer, I saw his hands were wrapped around his neck, roughly, choking him in his sleep.
"Juicy!" I cried, waking up and starteling Mully who fell out of his chair, obviously he had been asleep. The shadow looked up, Gaege now beginning to cough and suffocate, panicking me further.
"Get off of him!" I cried, rushing to the man, tackling him to the floor. Mully got down and held him down also, myself looking at him.
"You were supposed to keep watch!" I cried, glancing at Gaege who opened his eyes and looked to us, rubbing his red neck.
"What happened?" he asked, his voice raspy and gravelly. I looked down, staring into the eyes of the man below me. I don't know why I was surprised.
"Lannan happened."

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