💚 'He's In A Bad Way' 💚

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As I smiled, I noticed Smashing, Drew, Dom and Eric's eyes widening and holding up their hands. Taking a deep breath, I slowly turned around to see the two men who took the boys stood, holding their guns to us. I glanced to Drew who winked at me, before pulling out his gun and stepping forward.
"Now boys, if you just let us go in there, there'll be no trouble." he spoke, the two cocking their guns to which Drew sighed, "or we could do this."
With this, he quickly cocked his gun, shooting one of them who dropped to the ground, surrounded by blood. Smashing stared at Drew who smirked, placing the gun back into his pocket. I, too, was smiling, until I saw the other aim his gun to Drew.
"Drew!" I shouted, Eric pushing him out of the way. I stared at the man on the floor, thankful he was safe. That was until I turned to see Eric laying on the floor, his own blood drowning his injured self. Dom sat by his side, holding the boy's hand as tears fell down his face. Smashing sat down, putting pressure on the bloody wound whilst Drew sat there in shock.
"B-bro... I'm so sorry..." he muttered as tears pricked his eyes.
"I'm fine." Eric choked, "Smashing and I will stay here, he can't fight with his leg! You three go and get them. Don't hold back!"
I nodded, sadly, turning to see the other one had gone. I looked to Drew and Dom who both nodded before we entered.
"I'll go first, Eric got shot because of me, I'm going to be in the firing line." Drew muttered before rushing in before we could protest.

As we stumbled in, Lannan was there, waiting.
"So, you two are traitors as well, ey?" He spoke, aiming his gun to Drew, who held his to Lannan, Dom and I doing the same.
"The only traitor here is you and your sister." Drew scoffed before turning to the man who had stood outside and shot Eric. Drew snapped his head towards him, before quickly cocking his gun and shooting the boy. Lannan was barely shocked, he simply watched him fall and bleed.
"Rude." Lannan muttered before cocking his gun, pointing it to Drew once more.
"Shoot him and I'll blow your head off!" Dom snapped, Lannan glaring at him.
"Look at your ring, Dom!" Lannan snapped, "remember who you're speaking to!"
With this, Drew and Dom looked to their purple rings, myself continuing to point my gun to Lannan as to make sure he doesn't do anything. Drew and Dom glanced to one another before pulling off their rings, abruptly and tossing it to Lannan.
"Keep your pathetic ring!" Dom barked.
"We're done with you, Lannan!" Drew continued, both pointing their guns once more.

Suddenly, Tannar burst through the door, looking worried and scared.
"Oh thank god you're okay!" She cried when she saw it was the guy who was shot lying, most likely dead, on the floor.
"Let then go and you don't need to end up like him!" I scoffed, the two laughing. Tannar ran back through the door, myself following her, despite the boys trying to stop me. As I got in, Tannar was stood holding Gaege. He could barely stand due to his injured leg, which he clutched to.
"G-Gaege ..." I muttered, my hand stretched out, slightly as to hold his hand.
"Take a step closer and I swear I'll blow his brains out. Now, drop the gun."
I held my hands up as I dropped my gun to the floor, the girl smirking. To my surprise, she cocked her gun, repositioning it to Gaege's head. To this, I placed my hands my sides, begging for her to let him go. A smirk grew on her face as she shook her head no.
"Fine." I muttered, my fingers wrapping around the knife I had been loosening in my pocket. As she stared into my eyes, a smirk spread across my face as I pulled the knife, swiftly, throwing it to her arm. Gaege's eyes widened as she dropped to the floor, clutching her now-bloody arm.
"Let's go." I told him, grabbing onto the stumbling boy.

"Tannar!" Lannan shouted, myself pulling Gaege and I behind the door to hide from him after picking up my phone. He soon entered, dropping to the floor as he looked to his sister. I smiled at Gaege before hitting Lannan over the head with the gun, him falling by his sister's side.
"Guys! Let's go!" I called to Dom and Drew who ran in, looking impressed with my work. Drew insisted on carrying Gaege to the car due to Gaege's injured leg and Drew's strength. With this, Dom and I ran to the boys' room, panting and out of breath.

As we entered, they looked up in shock and happiness.
"Maiya!" Josh exclaimed, jumping to his feet and practically jumping on me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder, the others gathered around, all wrapping their arms around us, Dom standing awkwardly in the door. Josh soon looked up, seeing him stood.
"He helped?" Josh whispered in my ear so that he didn't hear. I nodded slightly, feeling Josh smile. I looked to him who was holding out his hands for Dom to come over, him doing so.
"C'mon YUNGBLUD." Josh smiled, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.

Soon, I pulled away as I remembered about Gaege and Eric.
"We need to go!" I exclaimed, running outside to see Drew had already took the two to hospital with Smashing in his car.
"Let's take Lannan's car." I told Josh, running inside to grab his keys from his unconscious body. My mind filled with images of him grabbing me as I did so, which thankfully didn't happen. I soon came back out, tossing the keys to Dom. I climbed into Josh's car, not taking no for an answer. Josh and Mully climbed in with me while Eddie and Grant went with Dom. We arrived to the hospital, only to be met with Drew sat in the waiting room in tears.
"D-Drew..." I whispered, sitting by his side, my arm aeound his shoulders.
"He's in a bad way, Maiya." Drew cried, burying his face in my neck as I pulled him in for a hug.

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