Annie x Mikasa (AU): Leaving The Room

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Friendship not romance cause I can't write yuri well sorry!  and yeah spelling mistakes

also sorry for not updating for about a month I have been sick and all my electronics were taken away ;-; 


Annie walked alongside her two best friends Reiner and Bert they both knew about her abusive father but had chosen to hide that fact away. Underneath Annie's white jacket was cuts both new and old along with dark purple bruises. Reiner starts up a conversation with Bert talking about how hot Christa is (of course) "Hey Reiner" Annie says in her normal cold tone "Yeah Annie" he says "You know that Ymir is with Christa right" she smirks at the tall blonde who now looks worried "Y-yeah" of course I knew t-that" he stutters while Bert looks at Annie with slight approval. A small chuckle is heard from Annie and Bert "Reiner you have no chance with Christa face it" says Annie. Reiner growls at Annie "Hey come one Reiner leave that energy for school" laughs Bert.

~time skip XD~

"Alright sit down and shut up" growled the teacher also known as Mr Ackerman but to everyone else Clean Freak ((Yes its Levi .-. )) Annie slumps back in her seat already bored of the lesson "Leonhardt sit up straight" he growls but only receives a glare from Annie. Annie's eyes slowly went to the left and found herself staring at a raven-haired girl, her name is Mikasa Ackerman she is just as strong as Annie which brings up some competition.

While Mr Ackerman rambled on about go knows what Annie slowly slipped out of the classroom but while leaving someone had their eye on her the whole time.

Yes it was Mikasa she sometimes admired the blonde girl but at other times she hated her, but she saw something much deeper inside of the cold hearted girl. She saw pain and sadness within Annie. Mikasa glances at the teacher then back at the door wondering where Annie could of gone.

Mikasa slowly walks down the empty halls of Trost High looking around for Annie. She bumps into Jean who should be in class "Sorry Jean" she excuses herself leaving the horse boy completely dazed.

She quickly darts behind one of the large lockers as she sees Annie walking into the school bathrooms. Mikasa slowly walks away from her hiding spot and makes her way to the school bathrooms to find Annie. She opens the door making her way past bits of rubbish on the black and white cracked tiled floor hearing quiet sobbing coming from on of the stalls along with something small hit the ground "Annie?" Mikasa whispers the sobbing stops "Ackerman leave" Annie's voice sounds rough "Annie come out please" Mikasa says as she stands in front of the stall.

A quiet growl comes from within the stall "Fine just don't tell anyone" after Annie said those words the stall lock clicks and the door opens revealing Annie her jumper sleeves rolled up with bruises and cuts covering her arms "Who did this to you?!" Mikasa steps back in shock but practically yells "Shut it!" Annie scowls. Mikasa glares at her but steps forward her mouth forms a thin line "Ok now my dad is to blame for this ok now leave me alone!" Annie tries to push Mikasa away but gets caught in her arms. Mikasa was hugging Annie "Annie I'm sorry just don't do it again ok I understand that your dad is an ass butplease stop!" she tightens her grip on Annie. Annie sighs "Ok Ackerman" Mikasa looks at her "Just call me Mikasa instead of Ackerman from now on" Annie smiles slightly "Ok Mikasa" 

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