(Part 2) Eren x Ghoul! Reader: Ukaku

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I'm writing this while listening to the undertale soundtrack.... Anyway I hope you enjoy this and I apologize for any grammar mistakes. I cant be bothered to fix them so get over it :)

Oh yeah and the load of jumps :)


Eren followed closely behind you, hiding behind various objects as you had turned around so many times. He had tripped over many things while following you but quickly regained his composure and kept a close eye on you. He could smell something disgusting as he went further down the alleyway, causing his stomach to twist. His eyes widened as he saw what had unfolded in front of him he now knew what you where so interested in and now knew what you where. He couldn't move his heart was beating faster as his eyes locked onto the decaying human body laying in front of another person no not a person a ghoul.


You heard a thump like sound coming from behind you which had been happening a lot ever since you went down this alleyway. Another thing that began to make you worried is that coming from behind you was the scent of a human, ignoring it you continued to find the source of that delicious smell. Now you've reached it, seeing another ghoul hunched over the decomposing human it was ripping up parts of the corpses flesh and devouring it quickly which disgusted you. While the ghoul was still preoccupied with eating you stood behind it with a wide crazed smile on your face. This is what it does to you this is what happens when you catch the scent of a good meal.


He saw the way your face changed from kind to crazed in seconds as your eyes where locked onto the other ghoul. He knew what was going to happen but he couldn't pry his eyes away from it almost like he wanted to see how it plays out. He watched on as your kagune whipped out like wings, beautiful but deadly gleaming purple wings. They shot out on pierced the ghouls back it grunted in pain and turned around only to be cut down by (y/n), how lifeless their eyes had been as (y/n) sliced through them had frightened Eren, remembering how his mother died. Her eyes where now on him, her mouth dropped slightly and her eyes turned back to her normal (e/c) "Eren...." her body now shaking now she was on the brink of tears.


He saw her kill someone, an innocent human saw her murder someone just because she was hungry. What was she to do now? Her secret was revealed what could she do?. She saw how afraid he was and how his body shook, it made her feel worried she was very close to crying because she couldn't handle the fact that now he knew what she really was. "(y/n) why" his expression darkened his right arm was hidden behind his back. He was holding something behind him pondering if he should you it or not. "I was hungry" she stated and her face twisted with sadness. "No why are you a ghoul..." he said in a blank tone (y/n) began to laugh. "Why am I a ghoul?" she repeated those words over and over again, her laugh beginning to turn insane. "We have no choice in the matter" she said she flashed a toothy grin and spun around bringing her hands to her face when she spun around her kagune dug into the corpse and ripped off some flesh for her to eat.

Eren looked at her in disgust as she feasted on the flesh with a satisfied grin on her face, his heart dropped as know he knew the one person he had strong affection for was a ghoul no not even that to him she was now a monster. What Eren had behind his back was his phone which currently had the CCG's phone number listed and ready, he quickly brought his phone to his ear and called them "Help me please!" he dramatically yelled and continued to tell them where he was currently at to find and kill the ghoul who was 'attacking him' . A devilish smirk appeared on his lips as he glanced at (y/n) her eyes widened but the smile was still on her face "Oh~ do you really think that's going to work!" she chuckled and lunged forward her eyes changed back to red and black.


Her kagune pierced through his torso, blood flowing out of the wound he was screaming in pain "why did I think that would work?!' he mentally screamed at himself as his hands where pressed against the wound. "Silly Jaegar~" she cooed and placed her hand under his chin and brought his face forward closer to hers. Opening her mouth she went to bite his shoulder which she did successfully causing Eren to scream once more with the crimson colour now staining his white shirt. "I'm going to eat you~!" she said in a very cheerful tone, her kagune went through his stomach now getting both ends of her kagune she slowly ripped him apart making sure that he felt every second of pain.

"Bye bye Jaeger" she whispered as his eyes closed, he was gone (y/n) smiled once again and ripped off pieces of Eren's flesh and began eating him. She dragged his corpse next to the other decaying body and the pervious ghoul and threw him over the top of the two. "Well at least I didn't get any blood on my clothes" she chirped and used her kagune to climb up the building making her way to Anteiku.


A duo of CCG investigators arrived at the scene with grim looks on both of their faces.



There we go!

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