Annie x Fem!Titan Shifter!Reader: We Are The Same

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Requested by xXCookieBunnyXxx who is no longer on wattpad by the looks of it


This is friendship not love ok!

Im not gonna ramble on so enjoy!

The Female Titan has appeared in Stohess District. You watch on in disbelief as the battle between Eren and Annie ensues. Your gut twists and knots at the realization that your best friend is the traitor of humanity.
You grow angry.
As you make your way over to them you are stopped by three soldiers but they are no match for you as you deftly cut them down with you blades. Others notice but do not fight for fear of their own gruesome death. You make your way to Hanji, 'Forgive Me' you say sadly before turning away and biting down on your hand.
Blood spurts from the wound for a mere second before you transform a 15 meter titan. You stand tall and fearsome, your (e/c) eyes gleaming and your (h/l) (h/c) hair flowing free in the wind. You have the same build as Annie, the same crystal ability along with crystal wings and claws. You do not doubt they will come in handy in your upcoming battle.
You spread your crystal wings wide, their jagged edges glinting in the sunlight. You and lunge towards Eren, razor sharp claws severing his arms at the shoulders creating pools of blood at your feet. He turns to you, all rage and aggression but your left wing swoops down to blind him. In the brief moment of reprieve you turn to Annie and nod. She gives you a look of understanding and makes a break for the wall.

Now you swiftly follow behind her your wings now slowly merging with your back. As shards of crystal fall from your wings you notice soldiers on each side of you running across the bricked roofs of each house you pick up the pace and so does Annie but you hear a loud roar from behind instantly you stopped dead in your tracks and turned to see pure rage and anger staring at you. He gets into his typical combat pose, You straighten out your wings again but then send crystal spikes flying at him. 3 strike him in the left arm then one strikes his right you then extend your claws ready to do more damage to his arms and ribs. Looking at his crushed titan form you turn to see Annie at the top she looks at you. Even that it didn't look like it you knew that she was grateful she jumped down so that you could no longer see her.

You look at Eren his body slowly regenerating this was your chance to run so you took that chance and headed straight for the wall 'They failed' you thought a small wave of joy went through you. Picking up the pace you reached the wall your wings spread out reading to fly up until Eren pounced on your leaving your nape exposed.

You can feel his sharp teeth biting down then everything goes black...

You open your eyes only to see pitch black so many thoughts raced through your mind 'Am I dead?' 'Am I Alive?' 'Are my friends ok?!' 'Did I..'you stop at your last thought your eyes widen pain surges through your body your legs weak your arms feeling heavy. You drop to your knees gripping your head screaming "I CAN'T NO NO NO" tears stream down your cheeks.

You had crystallized...



YEP YEP ITS SHORT ok i had writers block AND I STILL DO ;-;
This was edited btw //thats why it's cool X3\\

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