(Part 1) Eren x Ghoul!Reader: Ukaku

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This is  a crossover

Tokyo Ghoul x Attack On Titan ok so I did the request but added some spice to it ^3^
forgive my bad grammar.It's best for you to have some knowledge on the types of kagunes to understand what one you have.

Eren Jaeger at age 10 had woken up startled and afraid of what he had heard coming from downstairs. A high-pitched scream could be heard all around his home, quickly jumping out from his bed he ran down to see what had happened. His mother dead on the ground with her stomach ripped open with her internal organs getting ripped out as the human like figure was on top of her, a dark crimson colour was across the walls. He stood there petrified at the sight before him, his bright turquoise eyes  where wide as the sight before him unravelled.


( Eren Now)

As Eren remembers the horrors that happened to him five years ago he became tense that his friend Armin asked what was wrong a strong look of concern on his face. Eren responded with a smile and said that it was nothing which of course Armin did not believe but brushed it off and  drew his focus back to the professor. 

The professor continued to speak telling the class to write down certain notes, pointing at different sections of writing on the blackboard he practically ordered the teenagers to write each part down in their books. He heard a few students at the back of the classroom speaking and instantly knew exactly who they where, with a look of pure hatred and disappointment he turned to look at them as well as everyone in the class did. Seeing Jean  having some sort of battle against Reiner with Ymir chanting something and Marco was behind Jean giving him his own version of encouragement. Jean had growled and said something along the lines of "You're acting like a ghoul".

Hearing the word "Ghoul" he became tense which both Armin and Mikasa noticed. Armin had tried his best to help Eren and so did Mikasa but it didn't work, he did appreciate their help greatly. His eyes scanned through the whole room which landed on a girl with beautiful (h/c) hair which cascaded down her back.

 She was truly a work of art with her flawless skin and sparkling eyes  he didn't realised that he was staring at her when Mikasa tapped his shoulder looking rather annoyed. He laugh nervously and turn his attention back to the board as did the rest of the class. The battle a few chairs back stopped and had to quickly write down the notes on the board before the end of class which never really happened at all.


It was there...

It followed him...

It got closer and closer to him...

It's hand reached out....

It's got him...

It's going to eat him....

Waking up startled by his dream he opened is eyes to see Mikasa in front of him with worry written on her pale face. "Eren what did you dream about?" she asked him and held out her hand to help him up, "It was nothing" he said and looked around to see that his was in the cafeteria. He saw the others crowded around a few tables chatting and laughing, seeing all of their faces so bright and happy was something he truly envied. His eyes locked onto the same girl from class, she was talking to a boy with black hair and an eye patch. For some reason he felt his heart break, his never spoken to you before.. hell he doesn't even know you but he still felt sad?.

The bell rang causing everyone to stop all conversations and to head to their classes. Eren stood up and with Mikasa beside him they both walk to class ready for one more hour of learning then they get to leave for the day.


(You Now)

After speaking with Kaneki about Anteiku you heard the bell ring, saying goodbye to your him he gives you a nice light smile and says goodbye. Since you two aren't in the same class for the last period you wouldn't be able to see him till tomorrow, you quickly rushed to your classroom accidently bumping into Eren Jaeger "I am so sorry!" you said and helped him stand "It's fine" he said with a small smile.  "Uhm weird to ask but what do you have now?" he asked completely forgetting about the girl beside him who seemed to be death glaring you in some form. "History what about you?" you huffed since you really did not enjoy History at all but that was only because no one who you knew was in the class with you. "I have that as well!" he said and signalled the girl beside him to head to the classroom which she actually did, "Well lets go!" you said and went inside ready for one more hour of hell for the day.

With only a few minutes left of class you slumped back in your chair, completely unfazed by the look the teacher gave you, you just shrugged it off like it was nothing since you had finished all of your work you had nothing else left to do. You could feel your hunger growing on you which made you uneasy because when you get hungry it doesn't matter who it is you will devour them. That was one of the things you disliked about being a ghoul, the satisfaction for human flesh. Hearing the bell ring you saw the class quickly stand and rush out of the door with grins on their faces. You stood up and swiftly got passed the crowds of teenagers, you walked out of the college building on your way home well so you thought.

The scent of a meal filled your nose and you instantly made a run for it. You where so hungry and was fed up with coffee to control your hunger so you ran and ran getting closer to the meal a few blocks away little did you know that a certain teal eyed boy was following your every step.


Part 1 is now done! so possibly very soon the second part to Singer! Eren x Youtuber! Reader may be out in a few days! My holidays are very close so I have more time to write things woo!

I hope you enjoyed this and I also hope that you have the patience to wait for part 2.


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