Armin x Reader (Modern AU): Calling

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Finally an Armin x Reader! and I tried my best to make this as cute as possible. The idea is pretty cute tbh


While you sat on the park bench you heard a voice coming towards you "(Y/N) I need your help!" Armin said as you where twirling a strand of hair around your fingers. "Armin needed my help?!" you dramatically gasped as your friend was begging for your help, Armin just rolled his eyes " I need your help with asking a girl out..." he mumbled.  Your bright (e/c) eyes widen as the words came out of his mouth 'I wonder who the lucky girl is...' was what was going through your mind at that current moment. "First tell me what the lucky girl is like~" you said with a grin on your face. His big baby blue eyes gleamed "she has the most beautiful eyes and her face is so cute! She is just so pretty!" he said.

Armin continued to tell you about how pretty this mysterious girl was and thought up some plans of ways for him to confess to the girl. You tried to ask him questions so that he could describe this girl better but kept it well covered at all times, sometime he dodged the question or just continued to blurt out how fabulous his mystery girl was. You told some of your ideas to him but he kept on disagreeing saying that he would get nervous and screw up. You sighed as your mind had been drained of ideas, swinging your legs back and forth. You heard Armin's phone ring but he just ignored it, he was too busy being sad about not having an idea to get this girl. Straight away an idea popped into your head "Armin I've got an idea!" you beamed. Armin's eyes  lit up "Tell me!" he demanded and you nodded he sat down next to you. "Call her!" you said with a proud grin on your face "call her.... is that all you've got" he said sounding a little sad but then he looked at you "I'll do it!" he said and pulled out his phone quickly typing in the number, before pressing the call button he looked at you and mumbled "enjoy" but you where unsure of what he meant by that.

Armin pressed the button and awaited for the girl to pick up. Your phone began to ring you grabbed it from your pocket to see Armin's named across the top of the screen. You were shocked it was you the whole time and you didn't even notice. With a smile on his face he turned to you, he leaned forward and his lips pressed against yours. Pulling away he giggled at your facial expression then leaned forward and whispered

"It's you"


how was that?

I hope you enjoyed it! I'm not really good at making stuff romantic but this was the best I could do.


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