Popular Eren x Badass Reader Modern AU: School Fight

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This my first oneshots book so I am just gonna say here that I am pretty bad so judge all you want! XD



You walk along the corridors of Trost High {shut up} trying to find your friends Remi,Annie,Bert,Reiner and Ymir but you run into the most annoying person in school Jean Kristein he had been bullying you ever since 6th grade your now in 11th grade "oh hey (y/n)" he says with a wicked smile across his ugly horseface "Oh hey horse face" you reply back giving the same smile "Haven't I told you not to call me that!" he shouts right in your face then you receive a knee to the stomach "your..just a pitiful excuse for a human" you say while clutching your stomach.

You look up at his face then a wide smile spreads across your lips then you had kicked Jean right in the baby maker (If you can tell me where that's from I will love you forever XD) stood up and watched Jean squirm in pain "p i t i f u l" you bend down and whisper that into his ear than kicking him in the stomach to make him feel the same amount of pain you have felt countless times by him.

You slowly stand up still looking at Jean your eyes filled with joy and his filled with fear

Walking away from him you bump into the most popular boy in school Eren Jaeger "Oh sorry there (y/n)!" he says "Its ok Eren" you smile at him he smiles back "So uh want to uh s-sit with me and my friends" he asks while scratching his head. A blush forms on your face "Yeah sure" you say back without hesitation "Well then lets go" he grabs your hand and runs to the lunch room (IDFK)


"Hey guys I brought (y/n)" says Eren with a light tint of pink on his cheeks you look at them to see Remi,Annie,Reiner,Bert and Ymir there too?! "Hey (y/n)" they all say in sync with a evil smirk on each of their faces. You sit down next to Eren and chat with all his friends and yours everyone was in the conversation even Annie and Remi "Hey has anyone seen horseface?" asks Marco At the metion of horseface you remeber what you did to him "Tch dont worry about that moron he was an idoit for messing with (y/n)" says Remi looking at you doing her normal thumbs up with a massive smirk on her face.

You smile at her act "I saw how you beat the shit out of him it was funny" giggles Mikasa "Mikasa your giggling" says Eren with a drama queen look "I have emotion!" she says while pulling her scarf over her mouth. Armin starts up a conversation with Annie and Reiner "Hey (y/n) come with me" asks Eren "u-uh sure" you stutter a little then get up and follow him to one of the many hallways in the school "I have been wanting to do this for a while" he mumbles then straight away a pair of soft lips place on yours. he pulls away and said

"Will you be mine?"

"Of course"

Yeah so thats it for this oneshot! Requests are welcome!


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