Singer! Eren x Youtuber! Reader (AU): You Like Me? (Part 1)

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(Aye I actually wrote something YAY)

"And that's all for me today guys!" you wave at the camera and grab your camera, quickly finding the stop button you get up from your comfy red lounge chair and connect your camera into your laptop. You start editing your newest video which was a Q&A Celebration since you had just hit 1 million subscribers on YouTube. You made sure that you had said every appropriate question in the video, like "What is your favourite animal?" and "If you could be a vegan prostitute or cannibal nun which would you choose?" which was the one you had laughed at the most.

You had edited a few parts of the video close to getting it ready to show all your fans, you hear your phone ring and decide to leave it because you where focused on your video. After a few more minutes of editing you had finally got it done "aw hell yes!" you cheer and load up YouTube into a new tab, uploaded your video and waiting for people to see it. Sitting back you waited for people to watch it and started reading all the different comments, few where weird most had been nice and sweet but there was one that made you blush.

It was pretty much one of the most sweetest comments that you have ever gotten, hearing a knock on your door you quickly get out of your chair and run up to the door checking through the peep hole you see one of your best friends Julka at the door who seemed to be holding something behind her back with a wide smile. You open the door and greeted her "Hey Julka!" you smile "Aye (y/n) congrats on 1 million subs!" she hands you a box wrapped in blue and white paper with a light blue ribbon. You look at the box confused "What's this for?" you ask "Your death!" she laughs "No its for you idiot! one million subs! did you forget?!" she exclaims "ha ha no pft" you brush off your embarrassment with a grin.

Opening the box you see a beautiful necklace inside with a red middle and gold chain shaped in the form of a dragon. "Aw thank you Julka!" you hug her "No problem! so what comments have you gotten?" she asks "oh well come in and I shall show you" you smirk and walk back to your computer and look at Julka who is closing the door. She makes her way over to you and looks at the screen reading a few comments and noticed the one that made you blush earlier "AWWW SO CUTE" she squeals, you laugh at her reaction "Look at the end!" she points "EJ hmm" she brings her hand to her chin in her normal thinking pose that she always does.

"EJ wait that couldn't be..." her eyes widen "oh my god it couldn't be!" she squeals once again "What?!" you groan in annoyance. "EJ it could be that famous singer Eren Jaeger!" she jumps around almost screaming "whoa whoa hey calm down! and that's impossible!" you exclaimed she just squealed in response not listening just to busy fangirling. Groaning you decided to hit her with your shoe "OW what the fuck (y/n)?!" she growls "For not shutting up" you deadpan your words making her pout, she sits in one of your chairs and points at you "but you know that it could be him" she says a smirk creeping onto her lips "your delusional" you scoff "hey but deep down you know that it might be!" she claims then her face twists into confusion and a mix of surprise.

"WAIT is there anything else like a P.S comment?!" she says "Uhm let me check" you say and turn back to your computer scrolling down to the comments noticing that it had a reply. "It says about a meeting place..." you say shocked "A MEETING PLACE?! OH MY FUCKING GOD GO GO GO" she squeals "but its a stranger!" you scoffed. Julka gives you a 'really bitch really' look, you groan "Fine I will go there.... " you mumble again Julka grins "yay!" you roll your eyes "wait isn't he doing a concert tonight?" you ask "Yeah he is and that's why I got these!" she pulls out two tickets from her pocket "Oh my god Julka! your just full of surprises" you laugh. She winks "Oh I know~" she walks off to your kitchen, you look back at your computer a blush forms on your face "Why me though?" you whispers to yourself.


You both had taken a bit longer than expected to get ready for the concert, when both of you had got there it was packed to the brim of people some shouting and yelling while pushing people out of the lines to get ahead and some being calm and polite which in your eyes was pretty rare. While Julka was making her way over to front doors you get recognized by a group of girls "Oh my god its (insert a youtube username here)!" one of them, well in her case squealed but in your case sounded like a dying horse.

You walk over to the group and started up a conversation with them "Hello!" you greet them and received a few squeals in return but on of the girls spoke up "Hello! Sorry its just we are all huge fans and we wondered if we could possible get your autograph?" she asks quietly "of course you can!" you say and begin to sign each piece of paper given to you by each of the girls.

At the final girl you here her mumble something to herself, possibly about you which you ignored because you had no idea. You said your goodbyes to them and left to find where Julka ran off too. Before you began walking away one of the girls tapped you on the shoulder, you turn back at her with a smile and she grinned saying "You know you and Eren Jaeger would make a cute couple!" She giggles and walks back to her friends leaving you blush and quickly turn away in embarrassment and begin walking through the lines to find Julka at the front waiting for you.

(yes its called an arena sorry if you are confused)

In the arena it was packed with fangirls and fanboys screaming and yelling for Eren to arrive on stage. You look at Julka who looks at you with a grin, you smile back at her "So you ready?" she asks a little louder so that you would be able to hear her. You nod, your smile grows wider as the lights fade to a dull green and a figure walks out onto the stage, hearing everyone scream and shout you turn back to the stage to see him. Eren Jaeger on the stage a microphone in his hand and a wide grin on his face as his bright teal eyes scanned through the crowd and begins to speak into the microphone receiving more shouts from the crowd below him. He grins and the large red curtains behind him fall back to reveal a band who begins playing and Eren begins to sing with them and group of dancers come from the sides of the stage dancing gracefully and your eyes sparkle with excitement and you sing along with him just like the rest of the crowd do and so does Julka.

While singing Eren glances around hoping to see the one person who he had dreamed of for ages ever since he saw her first video and that someone was you.

(Well there is part 1 yay I actually did something :D Get ready to wait 6 years for part 2. I'm joking but anyway I'm working on another Eren x Reader and a Marco x Reader so get ready for those! and I have a question how was this?) *cough* one may have something to do with Tokyo Ghoul *cough*

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