Chapter Three

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It was the quiet morning hours, so early it could have actually been nighttime, when Lumine woke up. It was the day she was leaving for Liyue Harbor. It was time to continue the quest for her missing brother--Aether.

She sighed as she packed her bags, Paimon buzzing around the room like a moth. A hungry, humanoid moth that is.

"Paimon do you have my mora?" She asked, rummaging through her bag.

"Yup! Paimon's sure she has it!"

"Okay, that should be everything then." Lumine neatly folded her spare clothing into her sack, "Ready to go?"

"Yep! Paimon can't wait to go to Liyue Harbor!" The girl's companion zoomed through the air excitedly, "Paimon hears they all kinds of tasty snacks! Like golden crab, and black perch stew and-"

"-I hear you, I hear you." The girl laughed, pulling her bag onto her back.

. . .

"Thank you so, so much for the room." Lumine said.

"It's really no problem." Verr Goldet responded, rubbing the cat that always stayed on her desk, "But, before you check out, I need the payment."

"Ah, right, sorry." She mumbled, taking off her bag and sticking her hand in, before stopping suddenly. "Paimon..."

"L-Look! Paimon couldn't find it and Paimon knew you wouldn't be happy so I kind of... lied?"

"Looking for this?" A voice called from the landing above the desk. They tossed down a ratty leather pouch, all the coins in the bag clinking together.

"Hm?" Verr muttered, looking at the person on the landing, "Not very often you come down here, Xiao."

"Xiao?" Lumine asked, untying the bag to confirm it was hers.

"You seem to have left it yesterday morning." He said nonchalantly, "If I had left it where it was, some human would surely have called me a thief."

"Oh, thank you!"

"You're going to the Rite of Decension, right?"

"How did you know?"

"People hardly go to Liyue this time of year just to sightsee. They all go to see if they can receive a blessing from Rex Lapis. I wish to come with you."

"Paimon says you only wanna come with 'cause Lumine gave you tasty food!" Paimon interrupted, hands on her hips.

"You... want to see the Rite of Decension?" Lumine asked, "Surely you've seen it before. Right?"

"I prefer not to concern myself with trivial human festivities, though I feel this Rite of Decension will be different." Xiao paused, "I feel as if I will be needed this year."

"Alright, then. I just hope you're okay with sleeping in a tent!"

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