[2] Daddy's One and Only

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Aeri knocked on Baekhyun's door.

No response.

"Mr. Byun?"

Still no response.

This was her cue to step inside and she was right. Aeri was greeted by the sight of her boss still snuggled up in his blankets. A pillow was securely wrapped in his arms as a replacement of her figure, so he won't have to find her when he wakes up.

The female ignored the cute puppy whines escaping his mouth. His sleeping habit, really. Aeri walked towards the windows and pushed the curtains to the side. As expected, Baekhyun let out a tired groan and with a creaking sound from the bed, Aeri knew that he just further buried himself under the warmness of his comforter.

"Time to get up, Mr. Byun."

She was only given a thumbs down, noticing that Baekhyun even gave a tiny effort to let his fingers be shown before dropping it down back on the bed.

"You will be late for work and you have an important meeting with a client. Breakfast is also ready."

At the sound of delicious food, Baekhyun's fingers formed a thumbs up, a signal for Aeri to step closer to his bed. Carefully, she removed the blanket little by little, being greeted by a tuff of disheveled blonde hair and a pair of droopy eyes.

"I promise that we'll return home as soon as possible."

A subtle nod and Aeri further removed the blankets to see the cute little pout on his baby face. Clearly, Byun Baekhyun hates to be woken up so early in the morning. But still, there is progress in his attitude.

The first time she woke him up, she admitted that the way she woke him up before (removing the blankets abruptly while yelling with a voice so loud and shrewd) was a bit rude and harsh, and she ended up having five rounds of kokobop with him inside the corners of his gigantic bedroom.

"Get up now. I'll have your suit and tie ready."

Baekhyun only let out a yawn and grudgingly walked towards his bathroom. Aeri then rang the bell for a maid to fix his room and proceeded to return to the kitchen after preparing his clothes for the day.

Sometimes, Aeri wonders if she's only a bodyguard. By definition, a bodyguard protects her boss. Well, Baekhyun has his own definition of it.

Wake up call, dresser at times, chef, driver, and most importantly fuck buddy.

The good thing about it is that she gets to have a bigger room to sleep in and have delicious meals to feast on -- she's not sure if Baekhyun is in those categories.

"Everything is in order as usual." Aeri reported, removing the apron off of her and placed Baekhyun's bowl of steaming hot kimchi stew and cup of grounded coffee with sugar on the table.

Baekhyun nodded groggily and ate his breakfast. He was already in his midnight business suit, hair in its usual comma style, and sunglasses to hide the irritation in his eyes. Breakfast as usual is eaten in silence between the two.

The next on their agenda is to go to Starbucks to grab Baekhyun's favourite drink.

"Strawberry Frappuccino as usual, Ms. Aeri?" The drive-thru lady asked.

"Yes please and don't forget the extra cream."

From behind, Baekhyun silently reviews his agenda sent by his secretary. He looked up in time to see the toothy grin of Aeri when she thanked the drive-thru lady. His lips twitched a bit, but when Aeri turned to face him, drink in hand, he immediately reverted back to his cold self.

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