[9] Firsts and Seconds

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A/N: Play the video first. It's important. Please don't kill me for this.


Aeri felt as if she was flying. Peaceful and uninterrupted.

So this is what dying feels like?


Her eyes spotted the blurred figure of Baekhyun running towards her, broken and utterly desperate. His hand reaching out towards her as if trying keep her soul intact within the premises of her body.

Why does he look so sad?

Aeri could only let her body continue to fall, the feeling of her limbs going numb gradually until breathing became a challenge for her when it seems so natural just a few seconds ago. The ravenette closed her eyes slowly, awaiting for the impact that would immediately send her to the gates of hell.

Baekhyun would not allow that. He will make sure she doesn't go there as soon as he caught her in his arms, going onto his knees, and immediately cradling her head while bringing her frame closer towards him. He has let out a gasp when blood, her blood immediately soaked his hands and suit, seeping profusely out of her clothes, staining the ground crimson.

Something Baekhyun hated to see. 

He brought his hand to cup her cheek, wanting to feel the familiar warmth and softness of it, but he found none of those, and he didn't feel any better when Aeri's laboured breathing reached his ears.

Aeri may have shot Baekhyun's uncle, but she didn't miss his pull of the trigger of his gun as well. That's why she immediately shielded Baekhyun using her body.

Both gunshots were perfectly in sync.

Baekhyun may have been the target, but Aeri paid the price.

"Aeri-ah. Yah, Aeri-ah. Look at me, hm? Look at me." Baekhyun tilted her chin up, her skin becoming cold and pale as seconds run by. His breath hitched when Aeri revealed her midnight eyes. Those serene eyes that calmed him during the storms and brought sunshine to his dark mornings. However, those beautiful orbs that were once lively and lovely were now turning grey and dull. A message that Aeri will cease to exist in the next few minutes.

Through her half-lidded eyes, Aeri attempted to send her former boss a reassuring smile, but it came out crooked and she gasped loudly as the pain that found sanctuary in her chest increased tenfold causing Baekhyun to panic and press his hand on the wound to reduce the bleeding. His eyes found Aeri's and the woman he loved placed her semi-cold hand on his, staining both of their skins with her blood.

"I kept my word, Mr. Byun." Aeri breathed out, eyes squeezing shut as the pain in her chest intensified, growing more unbearable. Her ear that has been pressed onto Baekhyun's chest could hear his erratic heartbeat.

"Shh, shh. The ambulance is coming, Aeri-ah. Keep your eyes open for me." Baekhyun continued to apply pressure on her wound to stop the bleeding, but no matter what he does, blood still continued to gush out of her, forming a puddle under Aeri's fallen body.

No. He did not wish for this to happen.

He only wanted to free Aeri from his clutches .

He didn't want to free her from her life permanently.

He didn't want her to leave him in spirit so soon.

No, he couldn't and wouldn't bear it.

The CEO kept his tears at bay, feet going numb as his mind and heart only told him to hold the love of his life in his arms, shower her his untold love and affection even though it is already too late to fill the gaps they both purposely created. His Aeri could feel only the pain he brought upon her. 

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