[10] Hidden Fairy Tale

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Byun Baekhyun stepped out of his car one rainy afternoon. Instead of his usual black suit and gelled hair, the blonde CEO sported a comfortable coat with his hair in its natural blonde state. He also held a bouquet of flowers in one hand while the other held a translucent umbrella to keep him dry.

His footsteps were quite heavy and it made his visit more solemn as it is as his tired eyes stared at the gravestone in front of him. Kneeling down on one knee, Baekhyun placed the bouquet on its place and traced his finger over the name engraved on the marble stone.

"It's been a while." 

The gentle pitter patter of the rain was all he could ever hear. The CEO couldn't utter a single word but just gloomily stare at the stone that held the name of the person near and dear to his heart. He was stressed, tired, and alone. 

The month that passed was a blur, but it never eased the prickling pain in him. Nightmares were his thing, but what just happened prior upgraded it until Baekhyun himself suffered from insomnia. He was truly devastated and no one was there to ease the pain in his heart.

Byun Baekhyun knew pain, befriended it even. The moment he was introduced to it, he was set on introducing the same feeling to other people as well. To let them know how much the youth can suffer alone and orphaned in the end. But now, he was introduced to a new sort of pain. Pain that never ceased to exist until it was dealt with correctly.

But how would he do it? How could one broken man deal with something he has caused in the first place?


It ate him up whole until he couldn't get a tiny wink of sleep, a smell of delicious meals, nor a jolt of any functional movement. Baekhyun, where he stood, currently is suffering from a memory where he visited the same cemetery not alone.

She was with him at that time. His confidant. He remembered holding her hand as they let their hearts out. It was a sad memory, but it was also a happy one because she was there with him, calming the storm that settled in his wellbeing at that time.

Today, he is all alone. She is not there for nor with him.

"I'm so tired. I wish you were here." 

He spoke to the stone, eyes brimming with hot tears that cascaded down his cheeks in minutes. The knuckles of his hand that held the umbrella turning white as waves of emotion controlled his usually calm demeanour, turning it into a whirlwind of sorrow and distress. 

Baekhyun brought his hand to cover his mouth and muffle the loud sobs that erupted from him. His knees gave in and he let his body drop along with the umbrella. He didn't care at the moment of being soaked. He just wants to let it all out.

"I miss you, mother." He croaked, tracing the golden name of his late mother.

Give me strength please.


Baekhyun returned home at around nine o'clock in the evening from work. Nowadays, he would return late rather than his usual time of six o'clock, not because he spent the remaining hours in a motel -- he does not do those disgusting night hours anymore -- but because he wanted to drown himself in his work to keep his mind off of very painful memories that await him at home. 

The people at the office were baffled to see their boss not shouting at nor punishing them for something they have done wrong. Instead, he would often just send them home early or just smile tiredly while giving assurances that their mistakes were just minor and he can fix them himself. At times, he would work overtime with his co-workers until it struck midnight. 

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