[6] His Hormones

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A/N: I'm sorry :(

There was a reason why Aeri hated Mondays.

"Is Mr. Byun inside?" Aeri asked a junior bodyguard once she reached Baekhyun's floor, carrying a bag of his favourite drink.

The junior bodyguard nodded his head timidly in respect, knowing how much of a legend Ms. Aeri is in Byun's Empire. Plus, she's his captain in the so-called Mr. Byun Protection Squad.

"Y-yes, Ma'am."

Aeri sighed, her peripheral vision noticing the empty seat of the new secretary that just joined the company a couple weeks ago.

"And the new secretary?"

"Inside as well."

"...I see. Thank you, Mr. Oh. You are free to go."

The junior bowed his head in respect three times and left the vicinity.

Aeri then faced Baekhyun's double doors before entering the room without knocking. She ignored the situation happening in front of her, but as soon as she was set on turning on her heels and walking out of the room, Baekhyun called out to her.

"Ms. Aeri. You do know that it is mandatory that you stay in the room, specifically standing at that corner over there."

Aeri blinked. "I didn't want to disturb any private matters."

"Nonsense. We never knew when danger will come. Now, follow my orders or I will punish you." Without saying another word, Baekhyun's swollen red lips returned to suck and nibble on the skin of the beautiful lady straddling him.

Yep, Aeri was forced to stand at the corner of Baekhyun's office and watch him suck the lips of his new secretary, Kim Taeyeon.

Her eyes tried to wander off, but it was difficult especially when Baekhyun kissed Ms. Kim's neck so gently while pounding into her roughly, their looks of pleasure fully displayed in front of the ravenette and musical moans dominating her eardrums she was sure it stayed ringing.

Aeri, however, stood her ground. It broke her heart to be honest, but she was a good actress.

After that day where she felt Baekhyun's soft lips on her head, everything was normal. Well below normal for her. He acted as if she didn't exist the next day. And the day after that, the next few weeks, until pretty and shy Ms. Kim suddenly entered the picture.

His hormones, really.

What surprised her even more was that the moment the new secretary was presented to him, Baekhyun immediately instructed Aeri to go and stand outside the door.

"Go outside, Ms. Aeri."

And Aeri has never been more surprised to hear the door bang loudly behind her and slutty moans resounding from it.

Okay, so Baekhyun was either drunk when he kissed her forehead that time or he was definitely doing this on purpose.

And why was she so affected by it that she ended up slamming the car door hard after Baekhyun carried the woman to his private room inside the mansion?

Oh right, he was the one to blame. He made her fall for him. Scratch that, he made her love his imperfect self.

He has changed.

Dangerous, my goodness.


"Ms. Aeri?" Aeri swivelled to find Taeyeon standing behind her shyly. She noticed the multiple blue and purple marks that decorated her pale skin as her blonde hair hang loosely on her shoulders. She truly looked like a goddess compared to the female bodyguard.

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