[8] Bastard Byun

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A/N: For this chapter, I just want to say I'm sorry and good luck.

Aeri and Baekhyun have to admit.

The following Monday morning was unbearable.

The former female bodyguard boarded all of her luggage inside her brand new red car that Baekhyun has generously offered to her as his thanksgiving present for her seven years of service as his protector. 

Swiftly turning around, Aeri softly smiled upon seeing Taeyeon at the porch, teary eyed and guilt stricken. The blonde secretary bolted inside her room a few minutes ago, gasping at the sight of Aeri closing her final suitcase.

The pretty blonde immediately broke down, spewing apology after apology towards the ravenette. It was clear that Taeyeon blamed herself that Aeri was to be sent away, but she didn't know the exact reason why.

Aeri made Baekhyun promise to not tell her that.

"Aeri-ah..." Taeyeon sniffed, pulling the unsuspecting female into a tight hug. Aeri widened her eyes a bit, not expecting to receive such intimate action. Somehow, she found herself hugging back and patting the secretary awkwardly.

"Thank you so much for helping me these past months, Aeri-ah." Taeyeon pulled away, her hazel eyes letting out tears which broke Aeri's heart a bit. To ease her pain, Aeri put on a reassuring smile. A smile that dazzled the blonde greatly.

"It is I who should be thanking you, Ms. Kim. You have been a really good friend to me." Aeri took a hold of her hand and thumbed her skin. "Please do take care of yourself."

And Baekhyun as well.

Aeri looked behind Taeyeon, catching Baekhyun's steel yet melancholy gaze, making her stomach churn.

When Aeri woke up early this morning, the first thing she saw was Baekhyun staring at her lovingly, his finger grazing her skin as if in a trance. She remembered how she closed her eyes and took his hand, leaning onto his palm and kissing it softly. 

Baekhyun gulped and decided to pull her closer to him, her face buried on the crook of his neck, catching his musky scent. The CEO planted a kiss on the crown of her head, his lips lingering a bit before resting his chin on top of her head.

"I'm going to miss you, Ms. Aeri."

He received no reply, but just a few butterfly kisses on the skin of his shoulder. Baekhyun pulled them up to sit on the bed, leaning their bodies on the headboard for a good hour. Their naked bodies underneath the sheets, skin to skin, fingers interlaced tightly, and basking the morning glow within a temporary dream. 

When the clock stroke seven, Aeri placed one last kiss on Baekhyun's parted lips before she herself parted from his hold, her eyes never leaving him as she stood at the foot of the bed.

"Go back to your room, Mr. Byun. We wouldn't want Ms. Kim to wake up without you around."

The moment Baekhyun left the room, all dressed and silent, that was where Aeri's first sob of the day broke out. The female slid her body down until she sat against the wooden frame of the door, hugging her knees close to her chest as she relived the night before.

Her eyes scanned the room until it landed on the messy bed, illusions of their intimate night haunting her. She wailed brokenly until her voice cracked and eyes became dry. It was painful, so painful to let go.

Baekhyun made her feel weak and vulnerable, but she loved him for that. She loved him so much because he had seen her raw and unfiltered self. Honest and equally broken as he was. It would've been a match made in heaven. Even for just the tiniest bit, Aeri hoped to be called Baekhyun's.

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