[3] Mr. Byun

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People who think are "close" to Baekhyun always assume this and that. In reality, only a handful of intellectuals know that Aeri is the only one who can read the blonde tycoon as easy as a children's book.

When asked how long Baekhyun wants his eggs done, majority of the female population said half cooked.

"More, Ms. Aeri."

Aeri raised a brow as she spun around, still in her pink apron and saw Baekhyun holding his empty plate in front of him with his arms extended. There were bits of yellow crumbs on the silver platter.

"That's the third hard boiled egg, Mr. Byun."

"And I want more."

The stern bodyguard's heart softened upon seeing the pleading look on his face. Without any delay, she placed two more eggs on his plate.

Baekhyun was satisfied from morning til dusk and eventually gave Aeri his version of hard boiled eggs that night.

When asked what style of clothing Baekhyun prefers, others, even his closest friends, chose the more luxurious suits and fitted tees.

"MS. AERI!!!"

Aeri dropped the book she was reading and dashed towards Baekhyun's open room, only to be slapped on the face by a pair of boxers. Completely irritated, the female bodyguard lifted the undergarment with one finger as if it was the most vile thing she ever touched and discarded it to the side, not forgetting to cringe in disgust.

"What on earth is going on here?"

There stood a half naked Baekhyun in his black shirt and Slytherin printed boxers, rummaging and throwing away pants and shorts all over the place. Aeri was not even fazed by his appearance. Heck, she opened her legs for whatever is underneath that underwear.

"Where the hell is my favourite pajama pants?!" Baekhyun's head popped out of the mountain of clothes. For a moment, Aeri wanted to coo at how adorably tiny his head is in the pile of clothes surrounding him.

"You just wore them yesterday, sir."

Baekhyun huffed. "But I need to wear them. It's Sunday."


"It's also my rest day, so I need to wear them. Right. Fucking. Now."

As childish as it may seem, Aeri was indeed glad that she would always find her boss in his pajama pants and loose white or black shirt whenever he is at home. No parties, no meetings, nothing. Just Byun Baekhyun being normal.

And when people will wonder what Baekhyun does every night for his leisure time, they would always assume that he takes girls at home with him for pleasure, go out and party, and eat at a luxurious restaurant.

Those are all wrong.

Baekhyun does not ever take a girl home with him. He only has his one night stands at motels. He prefers to play video games with his mini circle of friends. He likes home cooked meals better than restaurant meals. And he only parties when it's a special occasion.

At rare times, he would have a talk with Aeri at the gardens to clear his mind.

"I really hate that fucking Park Chanyeol."

"And what did he say this time?"

Aeri moved her hands to massage his back as they relaxed in the garden's gazebo. Baekhyun returned home that night extremely moody with a big fat pout on his face. 

"He said that my gaming skills are for amateurs. Ha! As if! That prick couldn't even last a round with me in PUBG. The nerve of that son of a bitch!"

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