[7] Guilty Freedom

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"Mr. Byun?"

Baekhyun kept his cold facade. His clenched hands placed behind him as his icy blue eyes inspected Aeri's tired form that slumped tiredly against the wall. 

It has been four hours since he brought her to the place where she can reminisce her mellow childhood and torture all at once. The defeated aura within Aeri's midnight eyes were enough to tell him that she had learned her lesson.

The blonde CEO crouched in front of her and cupped her chin roughly using his thumb and index finger. "Do you understand now, Ms. Aeri?"

When he didn't receive an answer, Baekhyun pulled her face harshly towards him with his grip on her chin tightening. "Do. You. Understand. Ms. Aeri? Hm?"

Weakly, 19-year-old Aeri nodded her head which brought a smug smile from Baekhyun and he released her chin. He brought his arms under her knees and hoisted her up, her head immediately resting on his chest as she breathed heavily.

Aeri wanted it to end. She tightly closed her eyes, not wanting to see the remainders of her childhood home that Baekhyun thought was a good idea to bring her in for torture. How correct he was. 

Unknowingly, the ravenette grabbed a hold of her boss' coat tightly, anger and loathe coursing within her veins, increasing in volume whenever the CEO would occasionally glance at her with a gleam of mischief.

But the moment her eyes opened to come face-to-face with the only family portrait inside her abandoned home, her revenge driven demeanour broke instantly as her now tearful orbs indulged themselves in the smiles of her father and mother, ones for which only taught her kindness and humility.

She didn't notice the tears suddenly falling until she was forcefully spun around. Aeri didn't even notice that Baekhyun was still carrying her as she longingly gazed at that family photograph and he had enough of her weak cries which caused him to spin around and head to the direction of his car.

"Remember this, Ms. Aeri." Baekhyun glanced down at her, letting out an inaudible gasp when he found her gazing directly at him, fierce and intimidating. The moonlight illuminated their figures accompanied by the multiple stars that twinkled brightly. From afar, it would've looked like a romantic scene from a drama, but no, this is not a fairy tale.

The CEO and his bodyguard both knew that from the very start.

"Remember that this place will not go anywhere because it will remind you of the pain that your family had brought upon mine. For as long as you disrespect me, then you will be once again brought to the same home that taught you manners in the first place."

Aeri had never felt so much pain and anger in her entire life. What pain is he talking about? Ha. As if. Baekhyun smirking at her with mockery had added fuel to the fire and as she glanced at the rundown home of her once beloved childhood, she swore on her life to be set free in order to bring it back to its original light.

And that Mr. Byun Baekhyun will regret the day he ever crossed her.

Oh, that line really didn't age well. 

The now 26-year-old Aeri thought when her pain stricken eyes, after hours of torture from that god-forsaken habitat, glanced up to meet the magnificent Byun Mansion in all its glory once again. 


Baekhyun, all washed up, came out of his bedroom after a good sex with Taeyeon. He sighed in content. She was an angel. Beautiful inside and out. He loves her. Truly and unconditionally. 

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