[5] Soft Hours

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It's an extremely gloomy day in the Byun's Mansion.

The rain is pouring heavily and it's Baekhyun's day-off. Frankly, it's that day-off where Aeri's boss would become a mute for the rest of the day.

"Mr. Byun, the car is ready."

Aeri stood at the living room's threshold. She merely watched Baekhyun standing to his feet and walked passed her without acknowledgement. 

Opening the umbrella, the bodyguard guided Baekhyun towards his seat of the car before closing the door and hopped into the driver's seat. 

As always, the drive towards the cemetery was too quiet.

Aeri could only watch in silent guilt as the harsh rain soaked on her tuxedo dress to the bone while she covered the praying CEO with the umbrella. She read the name of Baekhyun's late mother on the gravestone that stood next to his father's.

A part of her felt unworthy to even stand in their presence knowing that her family took a major part in forcefully ripping Baekhyun's parents out of his life. But the fact that Baekhyun allowed her to stand there with him just confirmed her thoughts that he didn't want to be alone.

Baekhyun hates it when he is alone.

"Let's go, Ms. Aeri."

Aeri nodded her head and waited for Baekhyun to walk ahead of her, but the blonde remained on his spot. Quietly, Baekhyun took off his coat and placed it over her soaked attire. He gently patted her face dry with his handkerchief before proceeding to hold the umbrella and cover them both.

"Their gravestones are not that far, right?"

Aeri knew exactly what he meant and she swallowed the lump in her throat when he held her hand as they walked towards the direction of her own parents' gravestones. This time, instead of Baekhyun standing in front the gravestones of the people that raised her, he stood at the sides. 

Unlike him, Aeri can handle things on her own and Baekhyun surely knows that he is not worthy enough to stand in the presence of the people that were the only source of Aeri's non-existent happiness whom he killed in cold blood. 

Once Aeri was done, they both went home as fast as they could, not wanting to dwell in their painful pasts and idiotic irony of being next to each other, knowing how much emotions they can take in an entire day.

It was later that night when Baekhyun, clad in his comfy sweater and pajama pants, found Aeri cooking inside the kitchen. The familiar aroma of his favorite dish caught his utmost attention.

"Ms. Aeri." Baekhyun called out to her in awe.

"It's also your mother's favorite, right?" Aeri asked without turning back as she proceeded to place the ramen's flavourful broth into two ramen bowls.

She turned around and Baekhyun caught the glimpse of care and love as she placed the bowls on the table. Just like how his mother does it.

"Thank you." He muttered when they finally sat across each other.

"You're welcome, sir. I'm sure Mrs. Byun is enjoying her birthday in a better place."

That brought a small smile from the CEO and he started to dig in, savouring the delicious broth. No words said. The duo inhaled the dish as if it was their last meal, but they were just very hungry in general. 

Once done, Aeri placed a napkin besides Baekhyun's empty bowl, and took the ceramic object to place it in the dishwasher. The blonde never took his attention off of her. Aeri was truly breathtaking. It was only one of those rare days where her hair is loose, looking like a model straight out of a Pantene commercial.

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