[11] L'Amour de Ma Vie

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Two years have passed and a lot has changed.

Baekhyun's company is still one of the richest companies in South Korea, coming in third in the ranks. Normally, he would use any means to go for number one, but right now, he is satisfied.

He is also now recognised as one of the most influential businessmen across the nation.

After that fateful terror of a night, he decided to extend his company and focus more on helping and raising millions of money to offer them to charity programs.

By a deity's grace, the blonde's company sales gradually increase day by day and the employees were so delighted to see the change in their boss. The cold and unresponsive Baekhyun turned into the most respected and generous man they have ever crossed paths with.

"Another million sales, Mr. Byun!" Taeyeon announced in glee causing everyone in the vicinity to cheer and clap their hands. Baekhyun beamed and cleared his throat, drawing all attention towards him.

"Since everyone has been doing so well, you will be dismissed early today."

Another set of cheers followed.

"And you will find a congratulatory salary in your bank account."

Baekhyun laughed merrily at the bewildered expressions of his workers before they stood up and screamed in delight, shouting multiple words of gratitude. Baekhyun shared a look with Taeyeon before the female secretary shook her head with a smile and joined in with the celebration.

Baekhyun could only smile contentedly at the happy expressions on their faces.

And both he and them have Aeri to thank for that.

Once Aeri was confirmed to be back on track with life again, she decided to take a rest. No jobs to take for now much to her now boyfriend's relief. Baekhyun also demanded her to not leave his house without him. So right now, she is the Byun Mansion's head.

Acting like a housewife.

The beautiful ravenette climbed down the stairs wearing one of the lengthy summer dresses Baekhyun gifted her. Aeri gave the passing staff a smile, heading towards the kitchen only to almost trip on the way.


A cute corgi puppy appeared under her dress, one of its ears a bit bended. Mongryong barked at her resulting in Aeri to laugh and pick her baby up, carrying him as if he was a living baby himself. 

Baekhyun didn't really hold back with all the presents since he wanted both of them to start fresh. He didn't like the idea of Aeri being bored in the house, so he actually bought her a puppy. It later turned out to be a huge mistake for him because Aeri seemed more focused on the little runt rather than his undeniably gorgeous image.

"Are you actually jealous of a puppy, Baekhyun?" An amused Aeri chimed. Mongryong was sleeping against her chest while both his mom and dad readied themselves for bed. 

Baekhyun huffed, arms crossed and eyes turning into slits at the sight of the corgi dog laying on Aeri's chest instead of him doing it. Plans for the night were completely ruined.

"I am not!" The blonde turned away so that his back is facing Aeri. He heard a giggle before he felt a kiss on his cheek. Baekhyun turned back towards Aeri and was greeted by her kind smile.

"You're still my number one, Baekhyun."

Let's say Mongryong woke up to find his parents snuggled close to each other the following morning, naked.

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