Chapter XXVI

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I heard Neenah's alarm go off. Then a few seconds later, I could feel her moving around feeling for her phone. She grabbed it a turned it off. I feel feel and hear her stretch. Then I felt a kiss on my cheek which in return made me smile. I open my eyes to see her smiling at me.

"Good morning beautiful. "

I stretch out.

"Good morning love sweet amazing lovem" I I see her again then she kissed my lips as I kissed hers back.


"Yes." I nodded.

We both got up to get clothes. Then we walked to the bathroom.

"Halby. I'm sorry, but I have to take a massive shit."

She laughed at me then walked out of the bathroom after turning the exhaust fan on. I luckily had my phone and turned some music on. The drown out unwanted noise. After a few minutes I was done a flushed. I open the door then hopped into the shower. Soon after Neenah joined me and we washed each other's body. Once we were finished, we hopped out. We got dressed in the same outfits and did each others make up. She then sprayed me with her perfume and I sprayed her with mine. Once we were ready, we both set on our couch and put some background noise on. We sat there snuggle into each other as I lit us cigarettes. I handed I e to her as I smoke mine. I told here that I was probably going to ask if Jen and or Dest wanted to help me explore today so I'm not by myself incase something fell on me or what not. That I had to try to make a dent today on this stuff because of the limited amont of time left.

"That a great idea. I dont need my baby hurt."

"Aw. Thank you my love."

"You're quite welcome beautiful. You want to take me to work today? I get off at 2P.M."

"Sure. I dont mind one bit."

"I do need to go to the gas station first to get some smokes. I'm almost out."

"Ok. I can fill the tank."

"Sounds like a plan."

We started down to the car shortly after. She put some music on to bump to, and we were off. We drove to the ghetto corner store because for some reason, it's always the best store in every town. Once there I gave her some money for everything and I pumped the gas. We left and headed to the diner. We parked and headed around back to hit the pipe. Once blazed, we spray each other and sat on the bench swing for a cigarette. She held my hand as we smoked and enjoyed the weather. A car pulled up so she went inside. In walked a man that gave me a bad look. A minute later I heard a commotion going on inside. I looked through the wind to see the man holding Neenahs wrists and yelling. There was a mess made on the counter. Spilled milk and a broken sugar container. Before I knew it. I had ran inside and punched him in the back of the head and was on top of him beating the shit out of his face. I snapped out of it and jumped up real fast. He had gotten up and was catching his breath while holding his nose Neenah was crying and her boss had come in discovering a mess and a bloodied up man and my fists bloodied as well.

"What the hell is going on?"

Neenah was still a mess so I explained that this guy had come in and all of a sudden I heard a commotion coming from in here while i was outside.

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