Chapter V

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"What the fuck?" I said as I jumped up. Some dream I had. I lit a cigarette and sat back down. I looked over and it kinda looks like someone was laying beside me and had gotten up before I did. Strange, I thought to myself. Then I spoke out loud. "What if a ghost was just laying beside me? "
I kind of smiled I thought to myself. "That's pretty fucking cool!"
I looked to see what time it was. Holyshit it was 1 p.m. Not bad! I finish smoking my cigarette and I walked downstairs.
I saw Dad putting his shoes on. "You ready for lunch?"

"Almost. I have to go comb my hair right fast and brush my teeth."

Dad smiled at me and shook his head. I went back upstairs loaded my pipe and took it to my bathroom. I put ICP on my phone to listen to. I took a few hits off my pipe held it in while I brushed my hair. I then exhaled and took a few more hits while I finished brushing my hair. I was listening to the song, "In My Room". One of my favorite songs. I went to Minot table open the drawer and grabbed the diary then ran downstairs. Dad and I got into the car and left. I Bluetooth my phone to the car radio and put on, "I stab people." Dad looked over at me and gave me a weird look when they song started playing.

"What?" I asked.

"What in the hell are you listening to?"

I chuckled for a second. "I'm listening to "I stab people," by ICP.

"Who the hell is ICP?"

I chuckled even harder. "Insane Clown Posse. They are a horrorcore rap band. They started in the 90s. They were always poor and they worked their ass off to get where they are now. They are also the most hated band. I would have to actually sit down with you one day and tell you all about ICP and Juggalos the hatchet man everything."

Dad scratched his head. "Well you can explain a little bit to me if you want while we're eating."

I lit a cigarette before we got there then exhaled. "Okay Dad. I will explain well try to explain I should say as much as I can while we're eating."

Dad laughed a little. "Ok."

We got to the diner and went to our regular booth. Our usual waitress came over to us.

"Same drink orders"?

We both nodded and said hello to her.

"So. Tell me about this ICP and Juggalos?"

I laughed really hard. "It's Juggalo and first things first. Let's see if there are any I'm this diner".

"How are you going to find out," Dad asked.

"It simple. Like this," I exclaimed.

I hollered out, "WHOOP WHOOP"! and waited. Dad gave me this weird stare. Then from the kitchen came, "WHOOP WHOOP"! I smiled.

"What was that"?

I laughed. "That's the Juggalo call out. When you holler, "Whoop Whoop," and someone responds, you know you have fam there. Fam look out for one another. I hollered out again this time, "WHOOP WHAT"? Then listened.
What the hell was that about"?

"That means they got my back. Out came out waitress with our drinks.

"Was that you"? She asked.

I have a smile. "Much motherfuking wicked clown love fam"!

Our waitress smiled. "MMFWCL4L FAM! Wow I didn't know you were a juggalo either girl! You keep surprising me everyday".

"What can I say? You are cool as fuck"!

She smiled real big. Well fam my name's Nina. AKA Lil Rip because I be ripped those bongs like nothing"!

I gave a laugh. "Well fam, nice to finally know your namr. You already know my name. My nickname is, Clouds. Because I'm so fly "

"Shit fam, thats dope as hell. So what can I get you two?"

My dad sat there clueless.

"It's okay Dad I will explain more to you".

"Good. Because I'm lost. Well I would like to order the barbecue plate please. Extra butter on my corn bread. Thank you." My dad said with a smile.

"Great choice there. How about you Wicked Ninja"?

"How good are y'all's Patty melts"?

"Oh honey they are excellent"!

I smiled. "Okay I would like a patty melt with Swiss cheese, Mayo, sauteed onions, sauteed mushrooms, and black olives please with a side order of onion rings".

"Excellent! I'll get y'all's order in right now".

We both said our thank yous to her as she went to the kitchen.

Dad scratched his head. "So tell me more about the Juggalos and ICP".

I sat there with my dad explaining everything the best that I could. Neenah finally brought our food out to us.

"Hey Neenah, I brought you something. Be very careful with it."

I handed her Phiona's diary
She smile at me and took it.

"Do y'all mind if I sit with y'all for a minute"?

My dad smiled. "Yeah go ahead that's fine with me".

She sat with us on my side I scooted over to the window. She opened the diary up and scanned through it.

"Wow. This is amazing. You do know you have a historical piece here right"?

"Well I really never thought of it like that.I'm always careful with it and once I'm done reading in it I lock it back up and I put it in my nightstand drawer. I wonder if it would have a value to it I mean it looks fairly new even though it's really old like I'm surprised moths didn't get to it and destroy it".

"That is a very lucky thing. I would take it to an appraiser and get it appraised".

"I should do that one day. I never know how much I might I have in my hands huh"?

"Very true. I mean it should have some value it should be a historical document. The daughter of the founder of this once colony, now Town".

Dad wants his mouth.
"I didn't know you had something like that. That's pretty neat. How about you and I go to the local museum and get it checked out after we get finished here"?

I smiled. "That sounds like a really good idea actually"!

Neenah set with us and visited for a little bit. She and I tried to explain to Dad a little more about Juggalos the hatchet the six joker's cards the dark carnival and how anyone that never fit in or were always poor or hated that were considered scrubs wers family. And how hard Joe and Joey worked to start their career off to where they are now. we also explained about the family split ways on bad terms and how it really effects the Juggalo world and all the controversy from it. And how FBI put Juggalos down as a gang and the March on Washington DC that ICP lead for a protest. He was beginning to understand a little bit I think. So dad and I ate our lunch. Once we were finished we thanked her and Dad left her the usual $30 tip with a penny heads up. She wished us luck and gave me her cell phone number then we were on our way.

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