Chapter XXXVII

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I have seemed to have fallen for you. KD is your name? Hi.  I'm Phiona. I was the daughter of K.B. Worth. I have been trapped in my own house for over 300 years. The reason why I'm so board. But you can be with me now that you are with no one anymore.

"What the fuck? Why am I having dreams of Phiona? And why would my subconscious say something like that? Me be with her because Neenah got killed? That fucked up! I dont want to be with anyone but Neenah. She was my life!"

I sat up and looked around. I went to the bathroom sink to wash my face off. I looked in the mirror and I saw a girl dressed in black Victorian clothes. She looked like she was crying.  I turn around quickly to the direction she was standing and there was no one standing there. It had surprised the hell out of me! Kind of scared me. I grabbed my purse and keys and went to the door about the time I went to open it, the door opened and I screamed and started beating the shit out of Reese!

"Hey! Chill lil ninja! What the hell is wrong with you?

J had collapsed to the ground laughing so hard with tears running down his face.

"Shit, I'm sorry Reese. I just had some weird shit happen to me and I was already scared. Then you opened the door as I was leaving my room. That scared the living piss out of me and well. Sorry I just bloodied your nose!"

J was crying full on by this time. I ran over and got my first aid kit and told Reese to pinch his nose and pull out the bloody clear snot out. Once her did that I put gaze up his nostrils to stop the bleeding.

"Damn ninja! You got hands!!"

"Sorry Reese. My nerves are still shot. Everything that's gone on. I'm sorry I've totally ignored you two. Thanks for still having my back. That really does mean alot. Whoop what?'

"Whoop Whoop! Shit fam. That's what fm do for man. We are there no matter what. We really love you and we were really worried about you. The gathering is coming up next month and we aren't going without you."

"I really don't know.  Neenah and I were supposed to go together with yall. But now shes not here."

"I can understand that,  but come on. We as a family have to do this."

"I'll think about it J."

All of a sudden the door opens again. The girls walk in.

"Hey KD."

"Hey girls. Sorry about ignoring yall. It's just been super hella rough and me not wanting to  do shit."

"Hey, fam is fam. Fam looks out for each other no matter what."

"That's true Jenn."

"Damn Reese! What the fuck happened to your nose and face?"

J started laughing hard again.

"Well. You see. What happen was-

"I beat the shit out of him."

J burst into laughter and tears once again.

"I'm sorry Reese. That shit was funny though!"

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