Chapter XI

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"Fuck. I'm hungry. Are you hungry, Katie?" Neenah asked.

"Yes actually. What are you thinking?"

"Let's three go eat Chinese."

"Fuck yeah! That sounds good!"

"I'll get ready in the guest bathroom."

"I'll go tell Dad and then shower in here. Before you get dressed, come in here and I'll dress you. We can go all out! I mean I know you're older then me and probably don't want to. I will understand if not."

"Hell no! We gotta dress up!"

"I don't think you want me to dress you though."

"I'm open."

"Awesome sauce. I'll run and tell Dad right fast."

I ran down to the kitchen, but he wasn't in there. So I went out to the work shop.

"Dad. Neenah and I are going to take a shower and get ready to go out and eat Chinese. So she told me to tell you so you could get ready too."

Dad laughed for a few seconds. "Oh so the women are taking over huh?"

I looked at him puzzled. "Um.."

"I'm just kidding you dear. I came in here to work on some things and ended up getting high instead. So I am pretty hungry. So where are we going?"

"Chinese." I answered.

"Oh. That sounds great!"

I laughed. "Anything food wise probably sounds great to you right now."

We both laughed. Dad and I walked inside he went to his bathroom in his bedroom to shower, and I went to mine in my attic bathroom. "Thank God there are three separate water heaters." I said to myself. I got my pipe out and hit it four times. Held each in as long as possible. Then I smoked a cigarette while I washed my body. I didn't bother washing my hair. I was going to straighten it out and brush it. As I was still washing my body, I thought I heard Neenah humming in the room waiting on me so I shouted, "I'm almost finished!" Huh. No response. She must not have heard me."

I rinsed off and got out. I dried myself off with a towel and put on a bra and thongs. I went out into my room.  "Don't be drooling over my hot- and you're not in here. Wow. Ok. What was that? Maybe she went to go get something." I thought to myself. I heard my trapdoor open and in walked Neenah in just a towel. She hung the towel up and went through her duffle bags. She was fucking hot! I exhaled loudly and she looked over to me

"You like what you see?"

I shook my head yes.

"I bet. But you can't handle me sweetheart."

I took that as an offer. I got up and walked to her slowly. She looked up at me and I took her to the wall. I buried my lips into hers as I took my thong and bra off. She moaned slightly as I put my hands all over her naked body. My hand found its way to her hot wet area. She tried to stop me but I just took her to my bed hard as she let out a loud moan. I started rubbing her clit and she breathed in deep. I stuck a finger in, and she bit my lip soft as she started to moan. I then made my way down kissing and licking every inch of her until my tongue was inside her. I began to lap and flick her clit. I know she could feel every bit of my tongue. She started to tense up. I pushed two fingers in her and massaged her uretha. She was getting very excited and began to  hold her breath in then grabbed a pillow to stick over her face as my pace picked up until she squirted many times and screamed in ecstasy. Her legs and body was trembling alot. She sat up and pulled me into a kiss. We kissed for a few minutes. She commenced to whisper in my ear. "I'll return the favor tonight baby." Then kissed me again.

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