Chapter III

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I can't believe my dad is going to let me go like this. I told him I had to grab something right fast and did. We got into the car and I started doing my makeup on our way to town, And put black out and white contacts in my eyes. We had to go to a super center to buy some things for the house. Once we arrived, we got out and started to walk to the doors. The parking lot was full so we had to park a ways away. I had all kinds of stairs from people. I know I totally look out of place. I had a lady come up to me and complement me.  "Thank you." I told her. I started to laugh because a boy rammed the buggy he was pushing into a pole while looking at me. His face turn red and dad shook his head with a smile.

"You sure are the main attraction, he said"

"Dad. Am I embarrassing you?"

"No. More like amusing me with all the looks and complements I'm getting."

"Dad! You mean me?"

We both laughed as we walked inside. We walked around getting things for dad's work shop, like a fan and A.C. unit. A shop chair and various other items. I was still getting looks and complements. We finished and went to the register and paid. Dad asked if I wanted to go eat so we we went back to the same diner. I think that's going to be our regular spot now. We sat at a booth and our waitress came over.

"Oh hunny you look absolutely stunning!"

"Thank you ma'am."
"Where did you get that attire?"

"We just recently bought the Worth Manner and I found some Victorian clothes in the attic/ my room, And decided to wear some of it. They fit me so perfect!"

"Wow. Those clothes could be Phiona Worths clothes! She was the daughter of K.B. and Merry Worth. They were the founders of this town. Owned the whole town and had a very wealthy business."

"Oh wow. Really?"

"Yes. Strange things happened in this town to them and their daughter. No one really knows what though. Oh well. Would you like a Faygo?"

"Yes. Cotton candy please?"

"Ok sug, and a Dr. Faygo for you?"

"Yes ma'am. You already know our drinks. That's a good waitress."

"Oh believe me. When you have been doing this for as long as I have, you pick up on alot of things. I'll be right back to take your orders."

We set there and talked. The waitress brought our drinks to us and we ordered our food. I still have old crates to go through. We finally got our food and ate. We talked to the waitress a little longer then paid for our meals. Dad left her thirty dollars for a tip with a penny heads up. We finally made it home and I went up to my room. I sat on my bed and noticed that it was I little cold. It honestly felt good. I then heard another giggle. It was a little wierd. Yet I don't feel frightened by it. I also felt another presents in my room. I ignored it and put my music on. I went over to the other side of the room to the crates. I grabbed one and opened it. More Victorian clothes. Yet again black. I put them into my wardrobe. I also found a bottle of perfume that suprisingly had some left. It smelled so good. There was a note with it that read,

"To Phiona
From Shimmer"

I was kind of taken back. I put it in my nightstand. I then grabbed another box. This time it had some bedding in it. I decided that it was time to read some more in Phiona's diary.

June 15, 1750

Where do I possibly begin? I know it's been a few days since I've written anything. I've been busy with school work. Dad's also had me at the yard in the office doing inventory. I dislike that, but I am always stuck doin it. It's ok. He pays my five dollars to. He would probably pay someone else a dollar. That's the only good thing about it. I get my own money for helping, and it's good pay. I'm so tired though. I might rest for a day. I met shimmer as I was walking to the general store. She smiled at me and apologized for leaving so sudden. We talked about the weather and random things. She want to make a date to visit me. So we sat it for this Friday. We are to have a picnic by the creek where I live. It's such a beautiful spot. I have it already planned. One of Mamma's quilts layed out by the old oak tree ten feet from the bank. I hope it will be delightful. I will make us and apple pie for desert. She told me that, that was favorite treat. I will be telling you what happens diary!

Phiona Worth

"WHOOP WHOOP! you go Phiona. Make that girl fall in love with you, I said out loud."

Ugh. I wish I could find a girlfriend. I took my phone smokes, the perfume bottle, and night clothes to the bathroom. I got undressed put my music on, lit a smoke and got into the shower. I let the hot water hit my neck as I smoked. It felt good after a long day. I washed my hair and body then got out. I dried off and got dressed. I also sprayed some of Phiona's perfume on me and headed back to my room. I put an old black and white movie on. It had Rita Hayworth in it. I couldn't hardly keep my eyes open. So I got up and went down stairs to get a glass of milk. I warmed it up in the microwave and told my dad good night, hugged him and went back to my room. I resumed my movie after putting my phone on the charger. I layed my head and went into dream world.

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