Chapter X

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"Your fucking with me!"

I chuckled a bit. "Why would I buy a car in front of you when your car is broken and you're in a shitty situation? That down right mean! I couldn't ever do you that way."

"There's no way in hell I could ever repay you. Maybe in the future. That would be a long time from now."

"You know as well as I do that Juggalo fam helps out when they can and will never expect anything in return. Whoop whoop fam. Plus you'll be staying with us until you're bills are turned on in your name and taken care of."

Neenah started tearing up. She wrapped me into a hug. We sat there in a hug for a long while as she cried. I rubbed her back to comfort her until she gained her composure.

"Let's go inside. I have something for you to help me with. It will be fun!!"

"Ok." Replied Neenah. "What are we going to do?"

"First go smoke."

We got stoned. And I started to explain to her what I had read 8n Phiona's diary.
"Now  go treasure hunting. Now there's a 50/50 chance that something will be there, and it could've been found a long time ago."

"Wow I wonder what it is or was if we can't find it?"

Curiously about it for a second. "It could just be something silly."

"It will still be fun."

I agreed. I got Phiona's diary out and turned it to that page. "You ready?"

"Yes I am. We can be juggalette pirates!"

I laughed my ass off at that. Thought that shit was funny. We got to the threshold of the front door and proceeded. She called it out for me as week followed each instructions very carefully. I tell you what it sure did lead us straight up to the oak tree.

"3 paces to the left. Two paces forward. X marks the spot!"

We were kind of excited!

"Hey Katy, be careful not to dig so hard just in case if there is something we don't damage it."

"Holyshit ninjette! Great idea!"

Neenah laughed. "I've known to come up with a few good ideas."

We both laughed. We both got down on her hands and knees and started digging. We were very careful just in case there was something there. About 3 feet down we could feel something on the side. So we started digging the hole wider. Sure enough there was a metal box! We were getting very excited! We carefully dug around it until it was free. We then took it inside to clean it.

"I cannot believe we actually found something!"I said excitedly.

"I know right? Can't wait to see what's in it!"

"If it's anything good we split it 50-50 because we both did same amount of work."

"Shit, I fux with that! Sounds great!."

About that time Dad walked into the kitchen.

"What are you two up to?"

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