Chapter XIV

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Neenah pulled me into her and commenced kissing my lips. I was taken back a little. I wasn't expecting her to do that. I started kissing her back. She put her hand on my tummy then started taking my pants and underwear off. I moaned out loud when she touched my pussy. I was soaked fast and she plummeted her face down on it licking and lapping me up. I could hardly stay still. Then she stopped and took her bottoms off and put one leg under mine and the other over my other as our spots met with and impact that made the both of us sy with ecstasy. Our parts rubbing together in a symphony of chaotic but beautiful harmony. She climaxed in me hard which caused a ripple affect of us climaxes in between us that built into us syncing together for one final orgasm that made a standing ovation of our neck hairs and goosebumps. We collapsed where we remained a little while catching our breath. She then pulled me into her and whispered. "I love you." I looked at her.

"Do you mean it?"

"I would not say it unless I'm absolutely sure of it."

I sat there for a second. "I love you too, Neenah."

She smiled and we kissed. We then jumped up to go get cleaned and ready to go out for supper. We went through our new clothes we had bought. We picked out the Flogging Molly T's along with three belts, chains for our black baggy paints, multiple brackets new ear spacers and my black and black Chuck Taylor's. We were going to wear one color each. We hopped into the shower and cleaned up, got out dried off then did our hair and make-up. She insisted on doing my makeup. It was fire after she had finished. She also did the same thing to her face.she got out her perfume and sprayed me plus herself with it, once we were dressed. We walked down stairs to get dad. He was toking a blunt then handed it to us which we both hit hard and held it in for a hella long time. It was smooth and hit so damn good. Once we got finished toking, we hopped into my car because dad's had broke down and I wanted to drive my GNX. We decided on going to an all you can eat BBQ buffet. I know I'm gonna smash so food.

"Me too baby."

"Damn. I said that out loud?"

From the back seat we heard dad burst into laughter. Which in return, made us start giggling.

"I'm too high to this shit!" My dad exclaimed.

"Your too high! Shit I just talked to food I haven't even ate yet!"

We all started to laugh even harder then before. We finally calmed down before I wrecked. We made it to the restaurant and parked. It was a busy evening. We went inside where a hostess seated us. Our waiter took our drink orders then it was a race to the buffet. I looked at the choices. I grabbed a plate and started filling it. I put fried okra, fried green tomatoes, smashed potatoes , green beans, corn and gravy on my smashed potatoes. I then made a few chopped brisket sandwiches with mayo, pickles, jalapenos, chips, fries and bbq sauce in them. Then I went back to our booth and set down. We started smashing our food. It was so good. I was so stuffed but went back for icecream,  cheesecake, chocolate chip cookies,  banana pudding,  jello, peaches, and pecan pie. I even smashed all of that. Our bill was $52.17. We sat there letting our stomachs settle. Then Neenah and I went over to the bar to smoke. A guy walked up to us asking if we wanted to dance. We replied. "No. We are gay and with each other."
He turned around and commented,  "Sluts." I turned around fast.

"You better watch yourself boy. Dont no one fuck with me. Ima Juggalette, and dont take shit from no one."

Everyone stopped talking and staired at me.

He turned around and started walking off.

"That's right. Walk off little dick looking ass. I nor my girlfriend will be disrespected from some make that thinks he's all of that. Fuck that shit."

All of the women start clapping and  cheering for me. I said to them all that it was nothing. I turned back around to find Neenah looking at me in astonishment. "What?"

"That was sexy as fuck!"

"I just dont take no shit from any man."

"I can see baby."

We both giggled.  Meena lit us both a cigarette and we sat there and smoked. The bartender gave us both a shot a piece.

"What's this for?" I asked.

Bartender answered, "for standing up for yourself."

"Well thank you ma'am. "

"No. Thank you for setting an example. I have to get involved with most things like that here because women tend to let it slide, but not you. You told him straight up!"

"Yeah I dont have the time nor tolerance for assholes. I stand my ground and can back it with very lethal selfdefence."

"That's good. More women should be like you."

Thank you." I said as I took the shot.

We both sat there talking then dad walked up and joined us.

"What are y'all doing?" He asked.

"Just sitting here talking."

"Want me to buy us a shot?"

"Sure dad."

"Ok a round for the three of us please. "

The bartender looked at me and I smiled. "It's my dad."

"Ok. Just making sure."

We all set there shooting the shit and taking shots. We sat there for a good two hours.

"Well I hate to do this, but I have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn. To get ready to go to work."

"Yeah the internet people supposed to come by and the other delivery services as well."

"Well let's call it a night."

We said our goodbyes and left the bar area. I left the bartender and $717 dollar tip. Then went ant an and bout one of restaurants cheesecakes. We talked out the door and to the car.
Once we made it home, we said our good nights to my dad,  then I ran to my bathroom because I had to pee something bad. I turned the shower on and let it warm up while I sat on the commode. I got finished and hopped into the shower. I few moments later, Neenah joined me.  She washed my back and I scrubbed hers also. Once we were finished and dried off, she gave me one of her night shirts to wear. And stole one of mine. We lay down and kissed each other. She pulled me into her and held me while she whispered, "I love you." To me. I said it back and we both fell into a deep slumber

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