lxxxvi-may of 1978

627 33 10

The world was still for a single moment until it inevitably erupted into chaos. Fred had grabbed Eurielle and pushed her behind him as the shields and charms around them broke, allowing death eaters in. She looked to her right to see her mother shoving Harry toward Hermione, screaming something incoherent at them.

With a quick nod they had disappeared. Fred was throwing hexes left and right while her parents were hiding their faces from everyone, " Ellie, c'mon!" said her mother extending her hand.

With a terrified look at Fred she felt him shove her away and toward Sirius, " Go! We'll all be safer if you three hurry!" he yelled before rushing over to Ginny.

And before she could even blink or take another breath she felt the familiar feeling of being apparated. The world around her vanished before suddenly being shoved back in her face.

Eurielle placed a hand on Sirius's forearm and looked around. She knew where they were just by the sounds of honking cars and dismembered chatter. They were in London, no doubt only a block away from Grimmauld.

" Damn!" shouted Sirius, kicking a rotten cardboard box in the alley, " I at least should have stayed there!"

Her mother sent him a glare, " And what then? Have them capture you and lure Harry and I to save you? Seems rather inconvenient, darling," she said in a snippy manner, " I know, trust me I do, but like Fred said, it would be better if we weren't there, allow them to think it was a normal wedding,"

A warm hand lay on Eurielle's bare shoulder and she turned to look at her mother, " It'll be okay, trust me, I know," she said with a wink and a soothing smile; Surprisingly it worked.

The teenager let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding, " Now what?" she asked quietly, her thoughts going back to Ginny who was throwing a champagne glass at a death eater.

"Wait," said Sirius through gritted teeth, " Let's get back to Grimmauld then,"

Luckily they made it safely back to the old townhouse without any skirmishes. Eurielle stepped into the foyer and rounded the corner to the living room to see Theo sprawled out on the sofa listening to 'Ramble On' on an old record player. He had a book in one hand and a butterbeer in another.

He head bobbed along to the beat and upon noticing her standing in the doorway he choked on his drink, " F-fucking hell!" he coughed, " Why the hell are you back so early. . ." he trailed off as her parents appeared behind her.

Eurielle kicked her heels off before throwing herself into an overstuffed chair, " Deatheaters showed up," she huffed, her eyes dragging over to her father who was pouring himself a drink, " And we had to leave,"

Evelyn eyed the glass like Eurielle had been doing, " It was unfortunate, I was having a damn good time," she hummed before snatching the glass away from her husband, " This one here was too,"

Sirius said nothing as Evelyn magic-ed the contents of his drink away, allowing himself to be led over to the loveseat, " Glad to see you've made yourself at home," he snorted, setting his chin on his balled up fist.

Theo smiled awkwardly, " Er- yeah. . . So what's happening now?"

The three looked to Evelyn, " What did you say to Harry?" asked Eurielle with raised brows.

The brunette smiled, " You'll see in a minute,"

Before anyone could ask what she meant there was a frantic knock on the door. Evelyn jumped up and a second later she was followed inside by Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

" Thank God you're all okay," said Eurielle standing, " Have you heard anything from hu anyone?"

Ron nodded, " Yeah, dad said everyone's fine and to not owl back," he cast a dark look over at Theo who was taking a sip from his butterbeer. Everyone in the room followed his gaze.

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