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It was a normal first day. Snape's class was basically the same as it always was, I lost forty points and Harry ended up in detention. The  class was rather refreshing, nothing like getting under a pompous git's skin. 

How's mum doing? And Dora? 

By the way if I know you, and I do, you'll probably try to meddle with Dora and Remus's relationship- don't. You'll end up making things worse. Sooner or later Remus will realize he's a complete idiot and come to his senses- DON'T GIVE DORA FALSE HOPE. 

Anyway what can you tell me about Slughorn, he was practically testing me during class. 


Sirius smiled slightly and placed the letter down on the table before running a hand through his dark locks. Should he tell her the truth? Should he tell his only daughter that her mother is getting worse and worse? Eurielle had already been through so much and she wasn't even of age. 

Same went for Harry. His pale eyes drifted over to another letter that lay near his drink. Hedwig sat across from him, pecking away at a small sandwich of her own. 

They really were living in hell. 

Sirius had wrote to Snape, telling him that it was time for another one of his and Evelyn's session but the slimy bastard refused. The pureblood groaned and buried his face in his hands. The only way he could describe Evelyn's behavior was ' Hot and Cold'. 

Suddenly the door swung open and there she was. Her dark eyes looked to him and she smiled slightly, " Good morning," 

If Snape wouldn't help her, maybe he could. 

" Good morning," 

Evelyn made her way over to the kettle and poured herself a cup of tea, " I was thinking," began Sirius, folding the letters and placing them in his pockets, " That we could read a book together?" 

His wife frowned, " Read?" 

He inwardly grimaced at her hesitant face, almost like she was already against the idea, " Yeah," he continued, " You can pick it out, what do you say?" 

She opened her mouth and then closed it, seemingly thinking hard about her decision, " Why not," 


' Ripples of  sadness and  confusion caused by a pure heart.

Waves of discord and misery will lash the lion.

Born with past sight

Will the water be tamed by the one who has seen the beginning of the end

For only they know what is to come. 

Seek them out and you will find the past and future intertwined.'

Eurielle stared at the words with narrowed eyes and pursed lips. The lion was Harry, according to Dumbledore. The world was the sea, the water. She groaned, she could figure this out, she was a Ravenclaw afterall. 

Ripples of waves and sadness. . . ripples and then waves. The ripples were the beginning, the beginning of what? The war? But a pure heart didn't cause the war, and a pure heart didn't kill Harry's parents. 

Why would a pure heart cause sadness and confusion? Unless. . . they didn't mean to? 

How could she solve a  puzzle when she didn't even have all the pieces?

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